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  1. rap89431

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    perfect thanks. do endicas like more water or less when this close? Gave a lot of food and molasses last week so I want to start flushing her out. +rep
  2. rap89431

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    second to last time I will ask on this one...its the cheese which you sais has three weeks but i got a little better pic. The trichomes are milky...
  3. rap89431

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    Cool thanks, Thanks for your past insights. and your future ones. +rep
  4. rap89431

    Sour D and G/C Pics

    Update 9/27........ 3 weeks to go for GC............. 4 for SD
  5. rap89431

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    I have some stressed sides of my Green Crack that look like they are going to be ready before the rest. What do you think?
  6. rap89431

    Sour D and G/C Pics

    Thanks, building the dry room now. I'll post pics when they are in.
  7. rap89431

    What is meant by flushing?

    Thats good, thanks. No, they went in the pots on Jun 21, went into flower around the 10th of Aug. they got huge in 2 months. here is a pic of my Sour D. it still has a month to go.
  8. rap89431

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    Thanks a mil. You are on it. I was just hoping they would be done earlier.
  9. rap89431

    What is meant by flushing?

    I am confused, I am in 100 gallon smart pots. so I give them 200 gallons of water in a week, a day , a couple days? and then let them dry out
  10. rap89431

    How low can we go??? TEMP Questiion

    These are outdoor in 100 gallon smart pots.
  11. rap89431

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    Alright I have one last strain and it is Sour D. What do you think? Here is a close up.....
  12. rap89431

    How low can we go??? TEMP Questiion

    All great info, thanks a bunch
  13. rap89431

    What is meant by flushing?

    I don't mean to ask stupid questions but what is flushing exactly. I am in 100 gallon smart pots. When I go to just water how much do i give every day. do you keep them soaked, or dry them out for more resin production. just a little confused.
  14. rap89431

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    Wow, Thanks i was going to pull them at the end of this week. Ill try to get ome better pics. What do you think about these green crack?
  15. rap89431

    Sour D and G/C Pics

    My Sour D is coming along.
  16. rap89431

    How low can we go??? TEMP Questiion

    Right on, thanks for the quick reply.
  17. rap89431

    4th week of flowering and I have spider mites...

    I don't know how true this is but I trust this guy...he said don't use any neem oil when you are in bud production. No systemic no foliar.. it decreases the resin prodution. only use live beneficial bacterias when in flower. I used azmax systemically and things have slowed the last couple...
  18. rap89431

    How low can we go??? TEMP Questiion

    Thanks, I only get about 6 hours of full sun anyway.
  19. rap89431

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    This is my endica Cheese. The trichomes look mikly or cloudy to me. Am I to understand that endicas don't turn amber?
  20. rap89431

    How low can we go??? TEMP Questiion

    Getting wild temp fluctuations in my area. Highs in the 90s and lows around 50. how low can it get before it hurts my girls? I am about 6 weeks in flower.