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  1. Lipples

    150W HPS Cabinet Grow! Seeds & Clones

    Well i've got a little vinegar and I'm adjusting the PH down, hopefully I'll see some good results in the next few days! In the meantime, I got some nice pics of most of the ladies for you guys! First pic we have the two clones in front (Romulan left Super Silver Haze right), and 3 of the...
  2. Lipples

    150W HPS Cabinet Grow! Seeds & Clones

    So I did some probing of alot of my seedlings with my soil PH meter, and the results match the pictures. My two larger clones (which have had slight discoloring but no serious damage) are sitting at around a PH of 6.6, the clones that are getting the damage are sitting around 6.9. Is vinegar...
  3. Lipples

    150W HPS Cabinet Grow! Seeds & Clones

    Sweet man. Well I need to grab some PH down, like today. Switching over to the tap water has definately slowed it down, but the PH is still in the upper 6 range. I transplanted that seedling and my Super Silver Haze clones into larger plastic pots today. The Super Silver was definately over...
  4. Lipples

    150W HPS Cabinet Grow! Seeds & Clones

    Yeah I've been doing a little reading, and it seems that the purple stems on that seedling indicate high PH, which is also what I thought I had. I started up my other little PC grow box inside the cabinet to spread things out a little bit, and give me a spot for some veg while I ahve some plants...
  5. Lipples

    150W HPS Cabinet Grow! Seeds & Clones

    Yeah I water them by weight, I can tell when the cups feel mostly try then give the girls a decent watering. I don't wait till wilting leaves though! Unfortunately, the spotty leaves are now on a few seedlings. Got a PH meter and found out the bottles of water I've been feeding are in the...
  6. Lipples

    Nasty leaves on one seedling out of many?

    Hmmm I got a PH meter today. The bottles I was using were about 6.8-6.9, and my tap is 5.8-5.9. I know I'm shooting for something in the 6.2 range (give or take), so maybe I'll try mixing the waters and balancing out the PH. Does adding nutes raise or lower the PH? It's still progressing...
  7. Lipples

    Nasty leaves on one seedling out of many?

    Ehhh I don't think it's the cup because I have clone that I haven't transferred out of it's cup yet. It's about twice the size of this seedling and muuuuch more happy! They are sitting about 5-6" away from the light, with a peice of lexan seperating them and plenty of airflow. Temps don't get...
  8. Lipples

    150W HPS Cabinet Grow! Seeds & Clones

    Thanks guys! I knew PH could be an issue, I was just hoping it wasn't. They definately didn't like something in the tap water, I'd assume PH. Most the girls are VERY happy on the bottles which is what threw me off with this one seedling. I'll look into testing/adjusting the PH and go from there...
  9. Lipples

    150W HPS Cabinet Grow! Seeds & Clones

    Thanks man! the temps in the cab have been in the 60's and 70's, peaking in the upper 70's. I generally have the door open with a fan blowing in there. I also concluded that the Romulan is just very mature. Every new node has a few hairs, but none are progressing as buds. The plant is seriously...
  10. Lipples

    Nasty leaves on one seedling out of many?

    Hey guys! So I have 5 seedlings and 2 clones going right now, and my biggest seedling is showing some odd problems. It started with slowly yellowing lower leaves, but just in the past 2 days I have noticed some spots forming on a couple leaves. 150HPS 24/0 FFOF Soil veeeeery weak grow big with...
  11. Lipples

    150W HPS Cabinet Grow! Seeds & Clones

    Ahhh! Help me guys! The one above that I thought was showing an N deficiency now has some bad spots on a few leaves. All the other ones seem pretty damn happy and aren't showing the same symptoms...wassup!? Sorry for the discolored pics again, under the HPS. The first is it next to one of my...
  12. Lipples

    150W HPS Cabinet Grow! Seeds & Clones

    Well, things are lookin pretty dang happy! I finally took a few pics away from the HPS so you can see the colors! First up we have my Romulan clone. It's loving life for the most part! It has a few leaves that are losing color that I pictured. The veins are still a nice dark green, and the...
  13. Lipples

    150w HPS Club: Inspirational Resource

    Thanks for the response, and yeah the light does bleach it out sorry! Here are osme better pics. They stay about 4-5" away, but there is lexan seperating them acting as a cooltube, and temps of the cabinet hover at/under 80* so heat shouldnt be a problem. I hadn't been feeding, as they are all...
  14. Lipples

    150w HPS Club: Inspirational Resource

    I've got a cabinet (33" of space under my light, 22" wide and 11" deep) with a 150W hps doing a 24/0 veg on my girls. It was more of an experiment but I never put my timer in. They've been doing great, but recently some of the dark green is gone from the top leaves, I almost wonder if the 24...
  15. Lipples

    150W HPS Cabinet Grow! Seeds & Clones

    Tough crowd haha! Well for those who are interested, my babies are mostly happy! They got a little yellow on the leaf edges when I tried my tap bueno so they are getting bottles ATM! I haven't gone as far as PH testing or any of that so I'm sure that is the issue, but they seem happy...
  16. Lipples

    150W HPS Cabinet Grow! Seeds & Clones

    Man! All I've got to say, is that romulan is going freakin NUTS! As far as I can tell, a new chute is starting at the base of every single fan leaf, It has at least 10 tops at this point, I can't believe it! I can't even open up the canopy well enough to get good light down to everything yet...
  17. Lipples

    150W HPS Cabinet Grow! Seeds & Clones

    Aaaand today I got some new pics! Things are lookin great. And I know I need to get that one clone out of the party cup ASAP. I'm sure its close to rootbound by now. Also snapped a pic of the huge seedling thats powering by the others, and the next biggest.
  18. Lipples

    150W HPS Cabinet Grow! Seeds & Clones

    Hey hey everyone! This is my second grow ever. I had one before that was a bastard child under harsh conditions, but got a decent grow off just 2 23w CFLs (see sig). I've got a journal going, but it's not gettin any love and being a cabinet I know my grow bleongs in here! Here's what I've...
  19. Lipples

    2nd grow, 150W HPS cabinet, bagseed & Clones

    So I had to do some more playing with the Romulan today. I can't BELIEVE how happy she is. She responded incredibly to the lst/transplant and exploded with new growths. I have more tops than I know what to do with at the moment. I have like 6 verticals going to be new colas on this 12" long...
  20. Lipples

    2nd grow, 150W HPS cabinet, bagseed & Clones

    Well, the ladies (fingers crossed on the seedlings) are lookin great! I have some new pics as well. The seedlings are exploding all of a sudden, I'm lovin it. I transplanted them just after these pics because I saw a root touching the side of the clear bueno. Also transplanted...