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  1. M

    Northern Lights + Blackberry Kush Coco Grow

    Nicely done sir! Subbed up for the remainder :)
  2. M

    Lets try this again - T.H. Seeds Burmese Kush ( BUKU) 400w hydro grow from seed

    This is my second run at this...the first time ended up with I guess that's what you risk when you get feminized seeds. I'm gonna give it another shot since I love the strain so much. I just popped a couple of seeds into a paper towel to start germing...once they sprout I...
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    Black domina!

    Looking to get about 2.5 -3oz. Of dried buds from her..which is what I expect since I don't veg that long. Hopefully she will deliver the goods!
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    Black domina!

    Here are some pics of my Black Domina grow ;) She is 5 weeks into flowering.
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    Black Domina & PS BubbleChunk

    The girls are looking sweet ;) The PS BubbleChunk looks very interesting! I've done some looking around, and it definitely appears to be mostly on the "Deep Chunk" side. I can't wait to see what this thing turns out to be like...I really love the interesting structure of the buds..and it's...
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    Black Domina & PS BubbleChunk

    Here are some pics at 5 weeks into flowering: Black Domina: BubbleChunk: They are both looking great...super stinky and layering on the crystals! I'll post more pics soon
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    Black Domina & PS BubbleChunk

    Some basic info: Method: Top drip hydro buckets , affixed with a small kitchen shelf which I use for LST/SCROG. Here's an example of what I mean ( from a recently harvsted bucket ) Nutes - General Hydroponics Flora series Grow Bloom Micro(hardwater) LiquidKoolBloom Floralicious Plus...
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    Smoking Dope And Driving

    Nice!! Awesome story. Too bad the video that I linked originally doesn't seem to be up any longer
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    Grapefruit Diesel x Hijack - 15 Seed Test Run

    lookin better and better each time
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    Will LST'ng a plant cause it to go hermie ?

    Yea...I have done some research and I guess feminized seeds , while almost always producing females...also have an increased rate of displaying male traits. Feminised seeds are made from a hermaphrodite plant pollenating itself. So ...since the parent that created the feminized seed was also...
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    T.H. Seeds Burmese Kush - 3 weeks from planted seed

    Thanks man. I will definitely keep you in the loop! I've got a nursery about 30 mins away from me , I'm headed there tomorrow :)
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    Will LST'ng a plant cause it to go hermie ?

    Do you think it's worth it to keep growing her and just pulling the flowers ? I hate to lose such a nice plant ....hehe. I'll put up some pics so maybe you can judge if it's gonna be worth it for me to just yank the plant, or to take the time to pull the little male flowers as I see them.
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    T.H. Seeds Burmese Kush - 3 weeks from planted seed

    Thanks for the info. The seed germed just fine, and grew like a champ! I want to plant another seed and start again, but I'm worried that this strain is maybe prone to herming out if stressed, and I don't want to wait another 1.5 months to find out. I think I will try just getting some good...
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    Will LST'ng a plant cause it to go hermie ?

    Thanks Cruzer. Do you know if I spend the time to pluck them all off with tweezers, will the plant continue to produce male parts over the span of its flowering cycle?
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    Will LST'ng a plant cause it to go hermie ?

    I got a 5 pack of Feminized Burmese Kush seeds (T.H. Seeds ). No issues at all with anything...the only thing I did was LST/SCROG. After spending about 12 days in flowering , I'm noticing what appears to be male flowers...alot of them..mixed in with the white hairs. Is this typical when using...
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    T.H. Seeds Burmese Kush - 3 weeks from planted seed

    Welp, I guess there was a reason that she seemed to be growing with so much vigor.....turns out she is a full blown hermie. Im contemplating trying to pluck off all the male flowers , but there are lots of them ;( I will probably have to yank her. Do you guys think that the stress of LST'ng...
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    Grapefruit Diesel x Hijack - 15 Seed Test Run

    Yummy! Mmmmm mmmmm goood!
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    T.H.Seeds - Burmese Kush

    I germed one seed and have been growing it, and she's an effin beast! Follow the grow here:
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    Stinkbudd1's~Royal Haze~ Cali Hash~Green Poison 3 Gallon 400Watt (Long Veg) Yield Try

    Sorry about the GP stink...hopefully she'll recover. I'm dying to see what that Royal Haze turns out like! Stay Frosty...
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    Mane's Winter cooking multi-strain garden grow :D

    Wow! Stuff is looking really nice Mane! Pulling up a seat for the rest of the ride ;)