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  1. C Smoke

    Growbox, anything missing?

    Yes, the lights I have upright on either side of the plant are 24" fluoros, the whole set up stands about 3 feet tall, I decided to use the lights on the sides to promote bushing as opposed to plant height. There's a very light breeze inside the box because I only use one fan for ventilation and...
  2. C Smoke

    Growbox, anything missing?

    Good idea! Except the lights are bolted on from the top half, the lights extend all the way to the top of the box so i'm pretty sure light reaches the whole plant evenly
  3. C Smoke

    Growbox, anything missing?

    Hello again! First time as a cultivation hobbyist, I was growing outdoors but decided to try with a grow box for better pest control. I might take it back outside and use the box just for babies, if the box proves useful. I got all of the supplies from wal-mart. Consists of: 2 x Stacked...
  4. C Smoke

    Nirvana Trustworthy?

    I wanna order a good strain of marijuana... But i'm very iffy about seedbanks, and was wondering if anyone can vouche for Nirvana being a legit shop? Hopefully from experiance with the company. Thanks!
  5. C Smoke

    Stretched Out

    I don't know of any hydroponic stores in my town or arround, is there anything I can look up in the yellow pages and maybe find one or something similar?
  6. C Smoke

    Stretched Out

    The plant is grown outdoors, still need a fan?
  7. C Smoke

    Stretched Out

    And where could I get guano?
  8. C Smoke

    Stretched Out

    My buddy is about 3 or 4 weeks old, it's starting to get it's sex organs and I'm very excited that it is looking a lot more female than male. It was birthed spontaneously in the garage, getting fed minimal light until I noticed it and replanted it in a pot. The stem, I believe, is really...
  9. C Smoke

    venus fly trap

    It might be effective for flies, though i'm not sure how much of a problem flies are when it comes to eating plants. Plus venus fly traps aren't as active as tv/cartoons make them appear. They don't need to feed too often and (depending on how sealed your grow room is) you might have trouble...
  10. C Smoke

    soda bottles

    Other people freeze water in the bottles to adjust temp and humidity
  11. C Smoke

    My crappy setup

    how did you hook up the multiple PC fans, rictor?
  12. C Smoke

    is it too late to start growing outdoors?

    The soil needs to stay at a certain temperature while it's in the ground. Im not certain what temp. that is, but I wouldn't think Florida would have a problem keeping the ground warm for a few more months.
  13. C Smoke

    Lighting Alternatives..?

    I knew it had to be somewhere, thanks!
  14. C Smoke

    small grow box

    You have to understand that plants are alive. They cant be expected to thrive in such limited situations. To get results, you gotta give 'em what they want.
  15. C Smoke

    Lighting Alternatives..?

    Alright, so.. I can't find any threads on this already, so i'll just throw it out there. Blacklights --- good? bad? better in doses? Anyone know how this type of light affects the plants?
  16. C Smoke

    Endo' or Outdo' ?

    Greetings! My buddy is doin' well, It's name is Big Ben (though i'm pretty sure it's not male). And I've been growing it outside, letting it stretch its limbs to the sun to get a strong foundation (I live in Kentucky where the weather is pretty stable this time of year). I'm not worried about...