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  1. THEGROWER42384

    A lot of Questions

    ay dude you got like 2 ta 3 months depending on location take a few pics and watch them amaze you with there power lol no for real just chill oh you could use a few tarps to induce flowering but man its a lot of work dont let it touch the plants and youll be fine if you had pics that would be sweet
  2. THEGROWER42384

    crop dusters

    any one else been seeing the low flyers i hate it every year its the same thing any body ever head of them telling police about grow ops
  3. THEGROWER42384

    Outdoor Cloning

    i was doing experament i just took some cuting from the botem of a few pants to help with air flow and just for shits and giggles i stuck them in the same pot i got it from wih nothing but dirt . during the day thay looked all droopy but at night thay looked normal puleed one out and thay are...
  4. THEGROWER42384

    Holy Sh*t, I think i found a huge weed plant

    not all plant have 9 fingers some indicas only have 3 there hole life just dependes what the plant has for genitcs but ya bag sed should at least be 5 to 7
  5. THEGROWER42384

    Weird High-Texts To My Friends

    its almost to much work to text when im trying to relax i just turn my phone off and blaze on lol speaking of the devil time to smoke a toke
  6. THEGROWER42384

    Anyone taken niacin for a urine test?

    this is what i do geting piis from someone else is safest i would do bolth case thay make you piss twice
  7. THEGROWER42384

    Marijuana Tax Stamp Laws

    its just a way to tax you
  8. THEGROWER42384

    Im very worried about my girls......

    did the herme get polinated from its self? thats basicly how to get feminized seeds
  9. THEGROWER42384

    Sweet purple (lower Michigan)

    never heard of that i just use bloom and this year ima try molassas
  10. THEGROWER42384

    The Grooveman's GroWW

    hey that bug you asked about is not good kill it thay make a fuzzy white mess next to a node on a stem i dont know much about them this was my first year dealing with them thay kinda remind me of the ones that make a bunch of bubbles and sit in the middle. there also on the stem the bubbles can...
  11. THEGROWER42384

    What the hell is wrong with ROLLITUP.ORG?

    oh man i was kinda freaked out thinking the site got closed cuze it wouldnt let me load the site glade to see everything is kinda back to normal. whoever is in charge of this site i wana say thank you i love this site keep up the good work
  12. THEGROWER42384

    Flower a clone?

    if a clone came from a female plant its a female plant you do not have to check clones dont pu ur mom in flowering then take her out it will stress her and its not good
  13. THEGROWER42384

    When will i know which are male/female at 40 degrees latitude?

    youll be fine since everything just started flowering
  14. THEGROWER42384

    How high are you... RIGHT NOW?

    pullin out the 2 1/2 footer as i type ill be back to normal(10) soon
  15. THEGROWER42384

    Just transplanted to new soil, will plants heal better in light or dark?

    put them in the shade mist the leaves and hopefully you didnt mess the roots up to bad
  16. THEGROWER42384

    My 24 Plant Outdoor Grow of 2008 (Pics)

    let them turn in to x-mas trees. wish i had those kinda balls hope that workes for you
  17. THEGROWER42384

    What strain are you growing?

    2 white widow ,11 bushes bush clones ,2 crystal rain and 3 hash plant my wild guess is 4 to 8 lbs i hope more will put up pics soon ive been kinda lazy
  18. THEGROWER42384

    A few questions about outdoor growing

    you would be fine just rember when its hot and dry any wind will dry your plants out faster just water more when you need to and youll be fine
  19. THEGROWER42384

    Backyard Growin

    looks good
  20. THEGROWER42384

    Cornfield plants,,,, piccss

    looks good