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  1. Johan Liebert

    First Grow, an Evolving Effort

    I should also point out that, so far, the one in the water picture is the best-looking. It's the second tallest, has the shapeliest leaves, and most vibrant color. The leaf ridges of the taller plant have been curling just a bit recently. Does this mean anything? It's not a dramatic curl...
  2. Johan Liebert

    First Grow, an Evolving Effort

    Thank you statik, I'll take that as a compliment. I am definitely in the mindset of an attentive student, here. I've got a lot of nurture in me so I love checking them over and over, constantly adjusting their environment. Today I went to Wal Mart and picked up a 6-pack (only option...
  3. Johan Liebert

    First Grow, an Evolving Effort

    Thank you kindly, especially as you'll be my first sub on RIU :D If I get more of the same schwag from the same supplier I'll be sure and post pictures so we can compare it to the final product. It'll be more inspirational than a Weight Watchers before-and-after.
  4. Johan Liebert

    What Can I Learn From a Stalk?

    I'll definitely keep that in mind. I don't have any experience with HPS though. How hot would this unit get? Bearing in mind this is a compact stealth dresser grow, and I'd like to try and get two LST'd plants in there. I am planning to put some PC fans in there regardless, but like I said...
  5. Johan Liebert

    What Can I Learn From a Stalk?

    I'll re-arrange them and keep a better light in mind. I should hopefully be bringing home a better CFL (more like the one that is in the middle of the fixture now) today, and then I can pop the two of them on the outsides of the fixture, allowing the light to spread more evenly. When they get...
  6. Johan Liebert

    What Can I Learn From a Stalk?

    You hit the nail on the head. I didn't want to do my first grow with expensive seeds, for obvious reasons. I have definitely been dreaming about harvest day with what you said in mind...hopefully this will be a good smoke because I will be giving it love and care. It came from pretty...
  7. Johan Liebert

    What Can I Learn From a Stalk?

    I love this forum. Right now they're under a 26w CFL and two 17w Cool White CFLs. I've been told on 420chan /grow/ that the cool whites are doing nothing, which is evidenced by the little fellas reaching, but I have little income so I have to get the bulbs one at a time. I'll pick one up...
  8. Johan Liebert

    What Can I Learn From a Stalk?

    Now that three of my babies are starting to stand up several inches tall, I'm trying to take notice of every little change. One thing I noticed, is that one plant is about 5 inches tall and has a reddish stalk. Another plant, which popped up one day later, has a green stalk. And then another...
  9. Johan Liebert

    First Grow, an Evolving Effort

    Wow. Two seedlings turned up in one pot, which must mean that one of the seedlings which was lost, simply fell in. I gave the poor fella his own plastic cup, but I am officially out of space. 7 seedlings is enough. Now we sit back and wait. Pics on the way.
  10. Johan Liebert

    First Grow, an Evolving Effort

    Just took these. Day 5 since Baby 1 sprouted. 4 is on the way, and I just planted 5 and 6. This should give me a good enough variety to pick two fine females to raise.
  11. Johan Liebert

    First Grow, an Evolving Effort

    I made a noob mistake and I may pay for it. It will take some explaining. When I first planted my original 6 seedlings, they were put into four pots. I know, I know. I put three seedlings into their own pots, and three in triangular points in a larger pot. Two of those three were...
  12. Johan Liebert

    First Grow, an Evolving Effort

    i picked up a $9.97 bathroom lamp fixture with 3 sockets, a $4.99 pack of two hinges for the door I will create in the back, and a $2.99 pack of screws for good measure. I installed the fixture into the bottom of the fourth drawer from the floor (sorry the picture is and...
  13. Johan Liebert

    First Grow, an Evolving Effort

    Just got back from the Home Depot with some hinges, screws, and a light fixture :D
  14. Johan Liebert

    First Grow, an Evolving Effort

    The third seedling appeared overnight. Number 2 is also standing straight up now. I have a question about bag seeds. I read a thread on here which detailed how schwag comes to be schwag. If I raise bag seeds properly, what kind of high can I expect? Obviously it's not any popular, potent...
  15. Johan Liebert

    First Grow, an Evolving Effort

    These pictures were taken earlier this evening (it's 3:53AM where I am now).
  16. Johan Liebert

    First Grow, an Evolving Effort

    Hey guys, this is my first grow. Because I still live with my mom (college toker), and she will be in the house for at least another year, I have to do this inside my dresser. As a result, I don't yet have things in optimal condition, but as I get the money I will be sealing things...
  17. Johan Liebert

    how is shwag made

    This thread makes me want to travel through time so I can get to harvesting my own shit and never have to buy a $20 eighth of regs again. Also I can tell you are pretty passionate about this. It makes sense. Schwag sort of gives weed a worse name and it's the most prominent weed on the planet.
  18. Johan Liebert

    Ohio Toker, New to Growing

    Thanks for the warm reception, guys! I am looking to grow indoors, as it turns out :) There's no way I could ever put up with the nightmare weather of Ohio to grow outside :(
  19. Johan Liebert

    Ohio Toker, New to Growing

    Vassap, my name is Johan! (for all intents and purposes!) I'm a college toker, 22, trying to get into growing both for the excitement of the personal challenge and fun of cultivation, as well as just trying to get away from the street buys I'm forced to make due to the prohibition. Luckily...