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  1. Johan Liebert

    First Grow, an Evolving Effort

    Wrote these up last night. Plant Profiles #1 – Of the first 3 bag seeds I planted, #1 was the first to pop from the soil. Obviously. It resides in the biggest pot of the bunch, which may explain why it has raced ahead in its development. As you can see in the picture, the first 5-piece...
  2. Johan Liebert


    Not exactly a weed quote, but was on the inside of my Marley wraps: "If puss and dog can get together, why can't we all love one another?"
  3. Johan Liebert

    Ever Black Out Stoned?

    I think technically smoking too much and passing out is called "greening out." It hasn't happened to me, but my goal is often to get as high as I can, so maybe one day :p
  4. Johan Liebert

    Has Anyone Ever Puked from Smoking?

    The first time I really got high, we smoked an eighth of good stuff in about a 2 hour period. When I went to sleep afterward, I twice woke up and ran to the bathroom because I thought I would puke. Happily, I didn't. Another time, I cleared a massive yellow hit of completely dead ash, from...
  5. Johan Liebert

    Do you believe in things like ghosts?

    I don't believe in anything that can't be proven. That does not mean, however, that I'm not open-minded. It just means that if my life depended on it, I wouldn't put my faith in God, ghosts, or any of the like. If, however, real scientists (not McScientists like the ones on TV) were to come...
  6. Johan Liebert

    First Grow, an Evolving Effort

    Last night (apparently) I went in and opened the rear hatch on the dresser (which sounds awesome) to do that re-arranging and put the conservative literature in there. Well, I noticed a big problem. The dresser itself has no floor to speak of. So the floor on which the plants and books are...
  7. Johan Liebert

    First Grow, an Evolving Effort

    Just checking in. While browsing the FAQ section I stumbled across a piece on light that gave me better perspective on whether or not I was maximizing my light usage--I wasn't. So, in what I consider a delicious twist of irony, I took all of my brainwashed Repub-literature from high school and...
  8. Johan Liebert

    The Importance Of Veg Time In Relation To The Triggering Of Flowering

    I know this thread is old, but it has so much win written all over it. It's genius.
  9. Johan Liebert

    My First Grow ! Bubbleponics !

    Your plants are beautiful, man. When I figure out how to subscribe, I will. In the meantime, here's some good karma coming your way.
  10. Johan Liebert

    First grow -- flowering. Looking for advice

    I'm a newb too, but I must point out that you didn't give pictures or details regarding how long they've been growing, and other info that would probably help the pros out. Just a tip :) Good luck with your grow, man. Hope it smokes as great as you dreamed it would :D
  11. Johan Liebert

    First Grow, an Evolving Effort

    If my father were alive, and not horrified of pot, he would be most proud of my craftsmanship. I'm doing pretty good for a guy who never took shop. I've captioned the pictures that need captioning. So as not to waste a post, I'll get on to my next update. Included are some family snapshots...
  12. Johan Liebert

    CO2 importance for seedlings/veg

    Bump. I also would like to hear the answer to this. Perhaps, once dangerousdiggity's question is answered, we could turn this into a thread about different methods of getting CO2 into the grow. Me, I'm growing in a stealth box, and I'd love to know what I could do to help my plants :)
  13. Johan Liebert

    First Grow, an Evolving Effort

    In one of these, you can see where my roomie ker-smashed one of the leaves on #...4 I want to say. Its partner leaf continues to grow, but the broken one seems to be stuck trying to regenerate or something.
  14. Johan Liebert

    First Grow, an Evolving Effort

    I have a mini fridge which became infested with filth the likes of which I can hardly bear to speak. I took it out, cleaned it, and have not yet decided what to do with it. Although it's nice to have something like that, if it is now broken due to all the mess it's been through, I will turn it...
  15. Johan Liebert

    First Grow, an Evolving Effort

    Johan's First Grow Why? This is my first grow, and it will also be a stealth operation. My last experience growing plants was a dead bonsai, and before that, a dead cactus (both difficult plants to kill). My last experience building anything was simply hanging drywall on a volunteer trip...
  16. Johan Liebert

    First Grow, an Evolving Effort

    Noted, and thanks for the advise. I'm about to re-install Ubuntu so I will do that, get my device back online, and return with a game plan.
  17. Johan Liebert

    First Grow, an Evolving Effort

    Quick note: my netbook will not boot at the moment, so I cannot update with pictures for another day or so. Today while I was changing the drawer situation in the dresser (to lower the established plants down from the lights and ideally, reduce the amount of heat to which they were being...
  18. Johan Liebert

    First Grow, an Evolving Effort

    Hey, it's been a minute since my last update. Let's see. I'll get pics up soon, but at the moment my other computer (the pics one) is down (don't use Ubuntu). So, anyway... 5 pots, 2 plastic cups containing, now, 7 plants. The four seedlings have all pushed up and out of the soil, and their...
  19. Johan Liebert

    First Grow, an Evolving Effort

    I had pondered that about the faceshot, but decided it probably wasn't a huge deal because I'm not looking toward the camera. That said, where I live we've got a decriminalized situation where posession or cultivation of up to 100 grams is punishable as a minor misdemeanor with a $100 penalty...
  20. Johan Liebert

    How-To : LST (Low Stress Training)

    I just read this post on GrassCity! This is an outstanding explanation and will be my guide to stealth growing. Thank you!