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  1. M

    Experimental, non-traditional, First grow.

    30 days since you planted the seed or 30 days since they sprouted? Ive heard of people flowering early, but never from day one. At what age did you see noticable flowers?
  2. M

    A real thought??....

    No your not lost, he is...
  3. M

    hello i got a question. and a rant

    Jester- Your a crazy mofo! Take it easy man, take a big, deep, slow, sweet breath. I agree with slikwill ^
  4. M

    how do you control humidity?

    I tried putting more water in the tray, doesnt seem to help though. Im also curious how far should my 105w cfl be from the plants? Their maybe 1" tall now.
  5. M

    how do you control humidity?

    My friend has little seedlings that just sprouted. They were under a humidity dome previously at 95% humidity. Once he took the dome off the humidity dropped to 20%... My question is how to get higher humidity levels? I read that the humidity dome must come off once seeds sprout. So how can I...
  6. M

    How to get a correct height plant?

    No drama....I asked because I hear some say it doubles and some say it more than which is it?
  7. M

    How to get a correct height plant?

    What if I wanted to try and harvest a 20" tall crop? At what height would you switch from veg to flowering?
  8. M

    Myth busters

    You made my mind up on that shit. I tried poly. It would have been easier to paint and caulk now that I think about it.
  9. M

    Myth busters

    This thread just took a shit....
  10. M

    if we legalize it, i'll need a job

    You guys are thinking if its legal to smoke it will be legal to grow? Wrong! If it is legal to smoke in the us, and they let you grow, you will have a max number of plants you can grow. The gov. wont let you grow 200lbs of plants. They will want to make the money in taxes.
  11. M

    Rockwool cubes and seedlings....

    Thanks. Im new to this and for some reason I thought it would be best to use rockwool. Now I see I should have put them straight into my 4" pots with potting soil.
  12. M

    Myth busters

  13. M

    2nd week flowering today

    Looks like a Mn deficiancy. Lower the ph, leach the soil, and add a chelated micronutrient formula.
  14. M

    Rockwool cubes and seedlings....

    well, I have ordered ph solution but its not here yet. The seeds are already in rockwool cubes soaked in my sinks water. No idea what ph, but the water in my city taste ok. Should I run to the pet store for ph tester and down? If so, what do I do now that the rockwool already has seeds and is...
  15. M

    Rockwool cubes and seedlings....

    I did some research and I think I understanad seeds dont even need light until they have come out of the ground. So any light now would just be to keep the temps up? And from Bluebong, I think he means once they have spouted keep the light 3-5" from the top of the plants?
  16. M

    Rockwool cubes and seedlings....

    :confused::bigjoint: Bluey bong, can you give me a clearer answer?
  17. M

    Rockwool cubes and seedlings....

    Couldnt find the answer far should my 100w cfl be from the top of the rockwool cubes?
  18. M

    Rockwool cubes and seedlings....

    Thanks man. I forget its there sometimes.
  19. M

    Rockwool cubes and seedlings....

    cool. Another question... I have a 7" tall humidity dome which puts my cfl about 10" away from the seeds. Thats too far right? I guess I should have bought a much smaller humidity dome?
  20. M

    Rockwool cubes and seedlings....

    So a friend of mine will be growing in soil. He just got some seeds germinated. He placed them in water soaked rockwool cubes under a cfl light. My question is.....Do the seeds need any nutrients now? Can I go without nutrients until I see leaves?