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  1. M

    5 day old seedlings turning YELLOW. HELP!

    93 is def too hot man! Get em down to 75-80 deg.! Asap! at 95 deg theyll die. at 85 without extra c02 theyll slow or stop growing completely.
  2. M

    Experimental, non-traditional, First grow.

    I heard sugar can be added the last 6 weeks. Thats from Cervantes grow bible.
  3. M

    Someone explain please....

    Its been removed since the day they sprouted. But the RH is steady at 20% no matter the amount of water I put in to raise the rh.
  4. M

    Someone explain please....

    No. The humidity dome is 7" tall. Plants are only about 1-1.5"
  5. M

    Someone explain please....

    I was just kidding guys, I dont hate you! It drives me crazy though when everybody has a differnt answer. Take it off....put it on.... :)
  6. M

    Someone explain please....

    I hate you motherfuckers!
  7. M

    Someone explain please....

    I havent tried yet cause everyone tells me not to. It has many holes on top of it to let air excape, and its about 7" tall.
  8. M

    Someone explain please....

    Ok...I understand that whole issue, but if seedlings grow best in 40-50% Rh, what about a humudity dome is bad for them? Do I make sense? Say you had 1 grow room with seedlings in pots, w/no humidity dome, and the room had 50%RH,whats the difference between that and a room with a humidity dome...
  9. M

    Sexing, schedule thoughts...

    I was just wondering if it might stunt the plant a little bit. Thanks for your help man!
  10. M

    Someone explain please....

    I see, so I guess spraying the leaves with water would be a bad idea?
  11. M

    Sexing, schedule thoughts...

    You are correct. Should you cut clones and then send the "mother" plant imediately to flower or do you let it veg for a little bit after you take cuttings to let it heal?
  12. M

    Someone explain please....

    Why is it that people say not to keep a humidity dome on seedlings once they sprout? As far as I know seedlings need some humidity, how do you keep humidity levels without a dome? The only way I can get acceptable levels is with the dome on. Will my seedlings be stressed and become males and...
  13. M

    Sexing, schedule thoughts...

    Good questions, I wanna say it was from clone and they only vegged for like a week. Then again I was probably baked blind while reading it :)
  14. M

    seeds not germinating...

    I agree...
  15. M

    Sexing, schedule thoughts...

    Ive seen people on here with real short veg times pull close to an ounce per plant too. Im hoping hell be lucky like them.
  16. M

    Sexing, schedule thoughts...

    Top fuel: ThATS exactly what he wants to do! No mother plants. Im always too buzzed to explain it! Thanks man! That way he wont have to worry about large mother plants growing too tall for the veg room right?
  17. M

    Sexing, schedule thoughts...

    I m sorry im high and not making much sense. What I meant about the clones was for his first grow he would clone the vegging plants, then flower the clones to determine all the plants sex. He doesnt know what the sex of the seedlings are.
  18. M

    Sexing, schedule thoughts...

    So what would you do with the clones that will be put into flowering in order to determine the sex? AT WHAT age can you tell sex with a plant thats in the vegetative state?
  19. M

    Sexing, schedule thoughts...

    A friend of mine has 1 week old seedlings. He plans on growing them to clone the females, and grow sog style using clones from a mother plant. He has 1 chamber for veg and 1 for flower. The flowering chamber only allows for around 18-20" plants max. Heres the question: :joint: Hes a newb, and...
  20. M

    Experimental, non-traditional, First grow.

    Have you tried this method before? Im really curious what the final plant height and yield will be. How long do you think it will take till harvest.