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  1. M

    for those of you who plays an instrument...

    I play guitar and hell yes! You forget all the bulshit on you mind when baked and can concentrate more on the music. Find me a great musician and Ill bet youlll find some weed in his system :)
  2. M

    Temperature/ Humidity in my Veg Room
  3. M

    *** Online Growing School 101 ***

    Dr. .......You said you use a spray bottle to spray the tops when they get dry....wouldnt the dirt closest to the bottom get dry?
  4. M

    Every pot smoker must read this! Please!

    HOw much you wanna bet this shit gets no play in the media....
  5. M

    *** Online Growing School 101 ***

    Thanks Doc. Heres another one for you...suppose you had a 6" circular fan on low, is it too much if the seedlings are slightly swaying in the breeze?
  6. M

    *** Online Growing School 101 ***

    Thanks...If you only had 10" from the top of the soil to the 105w cfl would you have height issues? Or can the light be closer as the plant ages and grows?
  7. M

    Just a question I'd like everyone to answer out of curiosity...

    That whole script thing fucking amazes me. WHen I read how its so easy I couldnt stop smiling. Why cant the whole USoffuvckinA do that? Thats the coolest thing ever..."caregiver"..."donations" the fuck did you guys in Cali pull this off?
  8. M

    *** Online Growing School 101 ***

    How about a 104 watter cfl ? Is 2-4" from bulb still best ?
  9. M

    carbon filter still smell a sweet smell in room!!

    Do you? Some guy posted ealier about the carbon filter being flipped so the dirty carbon was pushed back out....or point is does carbon actually hold the odor molecules like that? I always thought it just kinda erased them or something.
  10. M

    Is there anything I can do to stop the sound of the fan

    i know exactly what your talking about. A friend of mine has a speed controler too. Nothing you can do man, its how they work.
  11. M

    Please help me....

    Would a potting mix work ok instead of straight perlite?
  12. M

    Experimental, non-traditional, First grow.

    Come on man, you should know by now there are way too many factors that go into yield to be giving guesses.
  13. M

    Please help me....

    I fucked my seedling in the arse! They are stunted and full of root rot. Im dumping them and starting over. I saw pics of other peoples plants at this age and their three times the size. Root rots a bitch!
  14. M

    Are my plants a bit stretched?

    I get the same thing man. 10 differnt answers for each question I ask. As far as the lights go everyone seems to agree the more light the better, and If your not burning them your height should be ok.
  15. M

    Are my plants a bit stretched?

    Its hard to tell for me, but the one in the first pic looks a lil stretched, maybe you should bring the light a lil closer if you can.
  16. M

    Please help me....

    Hey there guys and gals. I have a question. I have a Gorge Cervantes grow book and it says when you have seedlings you should transplant when they become rootbound. And it provides pics of seedlings in rockwool with about a half inch of roots on all sides and the bottom sticking out. It says...
  17. M

    Pro's - Please take this poll for me

    Please if you dont know what your talking about dont post. I know someone who has seedlings from a first time grow. Their 13 days old from sprout, inside 1" rockwool cubes. He definately overwatered them and who knows what else he fucked up. About a week ago signs appeared. The growth almost...
  18. M

    Advanced Nutrients....

    Damn why didnt I think of that! Genius....pure genius! Peace man. Ill be giving them what they need tonight. Happy new year!
  19. M

    Advanced Nutrients....

    You are correct, its the true leaves that are yellowing. I have another slight issue. I have a syringe type measuring device. And I cant measure that small of an amount with it accurately. Whats really trippin me out is the syringe....take a...