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  1. JMain

    Material for blocking light to flower?

    Tin foil!!! :d
  2. JMain

    Oddest Trip You Can Remember?

    lol reminds me of my friend peter who scored some coke and woke up 3 counties away...
  3. JMain

    An Awkward Story

    Lol reminds me of the time when my gf was giving me oral in between her moms room, the living room, ontop of her brothers bunk bed :D
  4. JMain

    accidentally overwatered...

    better overwatered then underwatered in my opinion... yes they should be fine as long as you get the excess water to drain and evaporate quickly i.e. the sun on the doorstep, or you can just suck that shit out with a straw, take your pick...
  5. JMain

    SuPeR wIeRd? or normal?

    probably true, i like to see nice healthy stalks that crack nicely when i harvest... i have my fan on full blast, oh well :) waters free 'round here
  6. JMain

    Live CAM feed?

    masked IP? dunno these things, but it would add yet another competitive factor to this forum
  7. JMain

    Live CAM feed?

    maybe set up some 24/7 video link section where potties that want to can show off their beautiful ladies? :leaf:
  8. JMain

    Very Late Intro.

    Thanks for servin' our country man, now serve yourself some fresh grown marijuana out of the soil you helped protect. bongsmilie
  9. JMain

    SuPeR wIeRd? or normal?

    My plants have been drinking up to 2L of water apiece, per day... they aren't waterlogged, and i've checked the temp over the past few days (82F) -whats goin' on?! lol
  10. JMain

    Plants are getting stressed.. need help please!!

    well I didnt read all of it, just skimmed cuz im lazy like that.... what i could suggest though is to check the temperature for heat stress maybe? from what I learned you should only assist the plants in growing if It cant be supplied naturally, so maybe your handling them to much? or...
  11. JMain

    Oddest Trip You Can Remember? this guy takes the cake rofl
  12. JMain

    What's Your Stance on Music?

    The tunes of these past generations come just like cannabis... an ever growing variety of taste, emotion, and atmosphere. A complete spectrum, a natural way to harness the full capability of one of your less important senses. When I hear the unfamiliar beat of somebody's music trailing a...
  13. JMain

    How Much do you Pay for Pot?

    its around $5-$10/g where i live, since i clone my own i usually don't buy more than a gram or two at a time...
  14. JMain

    "Robo trip" Question.

    Google: Plateaus of DXM (they will give you an average mg base for your body weight) No you must be 18 in many states to purchase cough syrup try not to get the extended release... comes out slowly but surely avoid guafinesin if you can, to much of it can litterally paralyze your muscles, but...
  15. JMain

    Help needed urgently. Browning leaves, going crispy.

    exactly, happened on my first grow -use straight tap water or distilled water after you flush out your medium
  16. JMain

    How to make your own strain

    developing a new strain takes 2 different strains to begin with, and alot of patience... not only do you have to transplant pollen from one strain to the next, it will take months or years of crossbreeding and inbreeding to rid your new strain of all negative factors that can affect its value
  17. JMain

    Plants Looking Sickly Going Into The 5th Week Of Flowering

    When you think of bud rot just think of anything else that would be rotting... buds start to lose their color, get an unpleasant odor, the stem turns white-ish... this is 99% of the time cause by moist, damp air and poor cirulation among your plants... and the red stalks happen sometimes, must...
  18. JMain

    Also Enjoy Brewing Alcohol like Growing Weed?

    I water my weed plants with a little beer every once in a while, just for shits and giggles
  19. JMain

    Innappropriate Uses For Uncooked Turkey

    This is funny shit bro... HAHAHAH I LAUGHED HARD AS A MO' MAN!
  20. JMain

    Hardest Thing You've Laughed At While High?

    when i was watching that scene from friday where smokey upset cuhz they don't hav 2 things htat match lloll, clasic