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  1. W

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    Anyone point me to where the flowering unit plans are?
  2. W

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    Hey guys, Ive built a clone and veg unit so far and put a through batches through. Each has a 100watt T52 above it with 10k lumen output. Got a few questions though. What do I do with the few clones that shoot up really quick? They make me raise the light which is unbeneficial for the other 28...
  3. W

    All-in-one DIY Aero Cloner/Veg/Flower Systems.....

    Yea, I plan on spray painting its exterior black. Also I put a bit of hydrogen peroxide in there to counteract algae. Also, its $60 for a 4x2 tray. And thats 24 plants per tray comfortably, I wouldnt put them any closer together. With a 600 HPS above every two trays for the optimal 4x4'...
  4. W

    All-in-one DIY Aero Cloner/Veg/Flower Systems.....

    Hows the corrugated plastic for your flower trays holding up? How thick did you get em and from where? Those flower trays are expensive too, damn $60 apiece for 4'x2'x1'. Im gonna do four of them for two week cycles across the board. 2 cloning weeks, two veg, 8 weeks of flower, for a total 3...
  5. W

    DIY Aeroponic Clone Box!

    I run them timed 1 min on 5 mins off, and add a little clonex and hydrogen peroxide before PH balancing.
  6. W

    Make Your Own Aeroponic Veg System!

    Thanks man, I think its a great piece of work!
  7. W

    Make Your Own Aeroponic Veg System!

    So here is yet another of my wonderful Grow The Growery teks! So you built a copy of my aeroponic cloner and now your wondering, where do I put my little clones when they have some roots!?! Well here's your answer! Build your own aeroponic veg system! So to start off you'll need some...
  8. W

    DIY Aeroponic Clone Box!

    Bump to coincide with my Veg system thread!
  9. W

    Help Forming Not-For-Profit Cannabis Collective!

    No longer need help with this thread. Delete please!
  10. W

    California Medical Marijuana Caregiver Help

    Wow thanks for the valuable link! Do I have to file any paperwork to become a Primary Caregiver? Edit: attached is some paperwork I wrote up tonight after examining both Prop 215 and SB420. Please review and comment on if you think these forms afford me enough protection! Qualified Patient...
  11. W

    California Medical Marijuana Caregiver Help

    I have the ability to produce up to 72 flowering plants. This means 12 patients totals under 6 plants apiece. Me and my best friend already have our scripts, however its obviously not enough to cover my total capacity. I want to stay as legal as possible. What are the requirements to be...
  12. W

    All-in-one DIY Aero Cloner/Veg/Flower Systems.....

    damn son, looks like some crazy ventilation going on in there. :P Check out its another site I love to use and I got more posts there.
  13. W

    DIY Aeroponic Clone Box!

    I started my original seeds in soil and rockwool. Now I simply take a cutting and put it in a neoprene puck in the cloner. Simple as that! :)
  14. W

    DIY Aeroponic Clone Box!

    Thanks everyone. It cost probably between $50-75 for everything. For pic of it in action check the last photo. Cant get a pic of it spraying without getting me and my camera soaked lol.
  15. W

    Aeroponic Nutes Help

    Well I just am getting started into aero. I have almost everything down, just need help with nutes. What do you use and when? Is Stinkbuds nute mix a good plan to follow?
  16. W

    New Homemade Aero Cloner

    You need a bigger pump I think. It doesnt seem to be misting correctly from the sprayers.
  17. W

    DIY Aeroponic Clone Box!

    Thanks man, I'd edit it for full size pics but apparently the site doesnt trust me to edit my own posts? Lol
  18. W

    All-in-one DIY Aero Cloner/Veg/Flower Systems.....

    Dude, I got some insane ideas in my head! After smoking a :joint: and working on that unit, all I could think of while trying to get to sleep were more awesome ideas. For the trellis, you can make a super stable one thats removable pretty simply for the flower units. Simply screw some more...
  19. W

    All-in-one DIY Aero Cloner/Veg/Flower Systems.....

    Damn son! THOSE are some ROOTS! :hump: I dunno why but it says I need to wait for moderator to approve the post...:confused: :evil:
  20. W

    DIY Aeroponic Clone Box!

    Well, by coming here you have found the culmination of many days of research, reading, browsing green forums, my own blood and sweat , a few hundred dollars at home depot and the local hydro store, a few joints :bigjoint:, maybe a bong rip or two bongsmilie, and lots of patience :weed...