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  1. marijuano1

    Have to flush, have a few questions. +rep for help.

    dont over water because the leaves will droop down which you would be drowning them , and you should also research the problem with leaves curling and problems like that.if its hydro it should be around 5.7 ph and soil 6.5 ph , After you put nutes and the next day you see problems then you...
  2. marijuano1

    What are the best FROSTIEST BUDS????

    is it indica /sativa and how long to flower and cure??:weed:
  3. marijuano1

    What are the best FROSTIEST BUDS????

    want to try something new...:joint:
  4. marijuano1

    Why are my plants pointing STRAIGHT UP? Photo

    it could also be that the light is too close.( heat stress)
  5. marijuano1

    Without nutrients??

    keep the ph neutral....:weed:
  6. marijuano1

    +rep for help, hq pics attatched

    i think you should do what the other guy said. makes sense and hopefully everything works out..good luck
  7. marijuano1

    +rep for help, hq pics attatched

    does Rh 37% mean humidity. Sorry dont know and if so ive read that it should be higher around 60 70%.. what you got their might be for flowering.. thats what ive read
  8. marijuano1

    +rep for help, hq pics attatched

    i would just use good PH water and soon it should get better, 80 degrees is good but dont let it get in the 90s (95 would kill it) and put a fan in their.. Ive had the same problem when i started but in MG soil.
  9. marijuano1

    Is 77 days too long for flowering??

    i have a afghan that says 8-10 weeks flowering time.. is that to long or what. the top cola pistils are still white .. should i cut them...please help
  10. marijuano1

    I think its a bug? ++ rep for any info

    no web and what others bugs similar do you say there are??
  11. marijuano1

    I think its a bug? ++ rep for any info

    the bug looks tiny as hell and you cant flick it off. are we talking about the same bug? its so tiny ill smoke it but just want to know if it was a bug.thank for the info
  12. marijuano1

    I think its a bug? ++ rep for any info

    this is the 11th week on flowering and waiting to cut after christmas and hope its not rottening , bug has no wings. thanks for info
  13. marijuano1

    I think its a bug? ++ rep for any info

    i dont have pic but i took a bud and checked it if it was ready and found a tiny worm like bug. looks like a snail with the antennas and looks like has two eyes black. it doesnt move cuz ive been waiting for it to move.. its dark grey and black.. if anybody has any other forum i can see...
  14. marijuano1

    11 weeks in flowering.. CUT NOW??++++++++

    the pistils, sorry about that
  15. marijuano1

    can't find the right sized tent - can anyone help?

    do you need 8ft? just asking
  16. marijuano1

    11 weeks in flowering.. CUT NOW??++++++++

    sorry no pics but all the hairs at the bottom colas are amber,the middle colas amber and white and the top colas white.. is the top also have to be amber because thats what im waiting for to cut. its been 11 weeks with afghan :confused:
  17. marijuano1

    so whats the real deal??? +++rep

    SPENCEG. thank you for posting this. Im at the same weeks you are and needed this info, i would keep them longer but thats me. good luck
  18. marijuano1

    flowering at 4 inches how tall will my plant be?

    done the same got about 12 grams
  19. marijuano1


    growing for life............
  20. marijuano1

    Gnats flying around my babies!

    buy sticky traps and catch them. also read on this website that someone put a small bowl of cereal with some cereal and le it sit their .. it would attract all the nats.. havent tryed but want to soon,