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  1. marijuano1

    Mold on my rockwool?

    dont use black plastic all around it. It can sufficate your plant but you can cut a wide enough piece to drop down and cover most of the light . just dont wrap it all around the rockwool.. also put it in soil or whatever you plan to do if its ready.good luck
  2. marijuano1

    Lets play a game!

    i say 2-3 weeks
  3. marijuano1

    what is the reputation for

    ive just ordered a couple months ago.. discreet shipping and free seeds... 5 afghan 4 fems and 10 WW 7 fems 1 male i still have two left... fast shipping and great yields with HPS.. i guess people get lucky and some dont but thats what i experienced from them...hope this helps.....
  4. marijuano1

    cloning problem ... wilted leaves

    ;-)[im not saying your wrong but ive had the same problem and the when i cloned the plants wilted since icut them .when i woke up next morning they were lifted up and doing good.. after a few days they had some yellowing in the leaves but they rooted. after 4 days.. but like i said thats just...
  5. marijuano1

    plant problems with symptoms and pics

    check this out for similarities and hope it helps also for future grows..
  6. marijuano1

    any flushing or plant rinsing ideas?

    ive read that if you flush with water and molases youll get sweet buds.. but also use molasess during flowering...
  7. marijuano1

    cloning problem ... wilted leaves

    ive had the same problem. Everybody has their own technique and heres mine. What you explained is normal by the way. after they sit in light for a day they should lift back up. I use large clear cups you get at 7-11 for ice coffe or slurpy's , put 2 small holes for air. and put it over the...
  8. marijuano1

    lights have to be off for 5 hours..HELP

    im wondering if turning off the lights for 5-7 hours extra for in flowering stage would mess up anything? just asking...
  9. marijuano1

    My Friend Might Die.

  10. marijuano1

    My Friend Might Die.

    see that s what HE should of said in the first place. Not fucked up..thank you :peace::peace::peace:
  11. marijuano1

    My Friend Might Die.

    what did i way that was insulting when i was trying to help him out...?
  12. marijuano1

    My Friend Might Die.

    iwas tying to be cool and help this dude out but he didnt understand just like you didnt ...:peace:
  13. marijuano1

    My Friend Might Die.

    :spew::hump: WOW:hump::hump::hump::hump::hump::hump::hump:
  14. marijuano1

    My Friend Might Die.

    thats good taht hes doing good but i was fucking helping you out so fuck off... understand... HELPING YOU OUT NOT PUTTING YOU DOWN
  15. marijuano1

    My Friend Might Die.

    i was trying to help this fool and get him to understand why he should put alot of effort to see his Best friend but gave me bad Rep. When i see people again on their forum similar to him Fuck them.. people like him dont seem to understand what i meant. READ AND UNDERSTAND. ask me what the fuck...
  16. marijuano1

    Clone directly into soil?

    :weed: hell yeah try it. ive done it and works good. id rather clone in soil than in rockwool. My experience is that in rockwool takes longer to root.but thats just me...:joint:
  17. marijuano1

    My Friend Might Die.

    i tryed to help you out in the good way not sying anything mean but you bitched so FUCK YOU...thats for all the bullshit you said
  18. marijuano1

    My Friend Might Die.

    so your telling me you wouldnt see your brother before he died?? If not your fucked up becauze for somebody that is close you dont let nothing get in the way and be selfish. im not trying to be fucked up but you should be their if he dies or not , but you shoud be their. TRY, thats my opinion. I...
  19. marijuano1

    My Friend Might Die.

    how close were yall and how long did yall know each other
  20. marijuano1

    My Friend Might Die.

    if your hundreds of miles away you should atleast get a vacation and try to see him. Christmas coming up and new year, you would think his best friend would be around. i dont know how far but if you care for him bad as homies you should try. He might die just think about that, because if you...