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  1. Feracon

    CO2 ?

    This page will give you a good base of knowledge to make decisions on. Recommend reading all of it.
  2. Feracon

    Cant figure out what's wrong? Assess my pics pls?

    on second thought that doesnt look like the issue. I see a number of things that are concerning from leaf finish to spots, but im not familiar with your plants at all so i cant give much meaningful advice other than to improve the quality of your grow space.
  3. Feracon

    Cant figure out what's wrong? Assess my pics pls?

    boron lockout due to low ph maybe. if youre below 6 at all boron is locked out and new growth will twist up on itself.
  4. Feracon

    CO2 ?

    thats one of the least efficient ways to administer co2. atmosphere is 400ppm and youll be aiming for 1000 to 1500, dry ice wont likely get you there in a cost effective manner. co2 isnt worth doing half-assed. Get a burner and choose your fuel. Using your municipal gas utility is best.
  5. Feracon

    newb here. 1st grow. just looking for advice

    floragrow set on amazon. follow the directions, skimp a bit on your mix if your worried and feel it out. keep ph between 6 and 7 post mix to avoid lockout. lift test and check top inch of soil before watering. youll be fine.
  6. Feracon

    FINALLY ABLE.........

    ya your lights and your fan. the lights actual par output and spectrum is what matters though. im assuming your massive fan is AC, your fan controller may not scale the speed the way you think. Throttling AC fans properly is expensive and complicated. keep those lights up high to start and...
  7. Feracon

    New grower in need of help

    advanced plat explaining why wattage draw isnt all that matters.
  8. Feracon

    FINALLY ABLE.........

    you SEEM TO have an ISSUE CONTrolling the VOLUME OF YOUR VOICE!!!!!!!!!! setup sounds good,maybe a little overkill for a 4x4. 8 inch exhaust fan? whats its cfm rating? you want 105 cfm max. if you move way more air than u need to youll not oonly waste money but be fighting to keep temp and rh...
  9. Feracon

    5 weeks into flowering, no smell, no trichomes

    lol water that plant!
  10. Feracon

    Nitrogen Deficiency or Paranoid Newbie?

    get a ph adjustment kit and lab strips on amazon.
  11. Feracon

    Nitrogen Deficiency or Paranoid Newbie?

    if youre not maintaining ph between 6 and 7 youre locking out. Looks like overwater. Tiny cups.
  12. Feracon

    For those who were interested in following my girls after heavy defoliation by a noob

    Those are beautiful buds bro. Do you know why the lower humidity promotes fatter buds?
  13. Feracon

    For those who were interested in following my girls after heavy defoliation by a noob

    Looking better than I expected. Why are you worried about mildew? 30% rh is low. I wouldnt drop below 40% unless you've had a watering incident. Your root systems are fully developed though, probably isn't hurting anything keeping it that low.
  14. Feracon

    End of week 6 Are these nugs normal size
  15. Feracon

    How do my plant look

    Reminds me of the guy who's wife sprayed his plant generously with mouthwash and rubbing alcohol to treat mites. lol Plant looks great, paint can is a funny touch. Probably gonna want some more room for her at some point :).
  16. Feracon

    Ok I am still learning so hear it is, how can I add nutes without over watering

    The water dilutes the concentrate and distributes the nutes to the entire root system evenly. If you don't already, I'd get a oscillating fan blowing over the actual soil to help evacuate the moisture faster. (If you use a static fan you risk wind burn if a leaf gets in crossfire) If you water...
  17. Feracon

    Heat/light burn or deficienty?

    Id get more pictures of those dark splotches, both on the leaf you showed and on other areas you see it. I think the people citing nutrient deficiency might be right.
  18. Feracon

    I must be out of my mind! I was having a bit of issue with foliage, here's what a newbie should not

    Im interested to see how this ends up. Monster cropping so you have a single outer canopy layer makes sense. Going so far as to diminish your light receptive surface area like you have doesnt make sense to me. Nutes are the vitamins, light is the food, food turns into bud and your plants are...
  19. Feracon


    Thats a really tough question to answer because it hinges on too many factors over a long period of time. Even your light can vary greatly while maintaining wall draw. 130 watts from an advanced plat light is not equal to 130 from a marshydro. when youre part way through budding post some pics...