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  1. Feracon

    Fertilizer Feeding - granules - How Much???

    Bought a gallon of Cal Mag. I think I've actually solved most of my issues myself and can't find where to delete this thread... sorry for the spam.
  2. Feracon

    Fertilizer Feeding - granules - How Much???

    Bought these: Lol im pretty nervous about fucking this up, this clone is beautiful.
  3. Feracon

    Fertilizer Feeding - granules - How Much???

    The fertilizers shown in this thread I've seen before and I'm thinking maybe I should cut my losses on the 3 granules I bought and just buy these following their schedule:
  4. Feracon

    Fertilizer Feeding - granules - How Much???

    Hello everyone, I'm brand new to this and got my first clone a few days ago. I'm not totally sure whether she's in seedling or veg yet, but I'm leaning toward veg since she's got like steps of branches and full leaves. Based on my research, I got 3 different fertilizers, one for each stage...