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  1. Feracon

    Plant wilted a lot today...overwater? wind burn? no nutes? stale air?

    Fuck, I did it I overwatered. LOL I tried so hard not to. Reading: "Leaves are firm and curled down all the way from the stem to the leaf" "Be extra careful with small plants in big containers." Done fucked up... This pot is big my plant is small in...
  2. Feracon

    Plant wilted a lot today...overwater? wind burn? no nutes? stale air?

    I want to get a diagnosis from someone other than me before i fuck this up worse. Here's what I'm considering. -Overwatering? This is my guess. I've watered this thing with a half cup of water twice in 3 days, I have a feeling its this... The soil is damp under the surface and the weight is not...
  3. Feracon

    Boosts growth by rubbing roots in anus?

    I have my plants in pots, with the lights on in the grow while I'm at work. But each night when i come home, i transplant as many as i can fit into my anus and then sleep with them in there with the lights off. This way the plants build up their immune system as both of us sleep.
  4. Feracon

    I'm hoping a pound....what says you?

    Whoa thats awesome info, thanks
  5. Feracon

    Total Newbie need help with first grow instructions

    I'm new to this also, but I've been doing a ton of reading and talking to various ppl on here the past 5 days. I've already made mistakes ordering the wrong stuff that made my life harder and learned from it. I'll tell you what others told me: Read through the entire starters guide on...
  6. Feracon

    I'm hoping a pound....what says you?

    @dannyboy602 LOL if i could like i would
  7. Feracon

    I'm hoping a pound....what says you?

    Did you monster crop and top etc to get that wide low spread? And what's the green tinted incandescent for?
  8. Feracon

    Electrics setup for 3x3x6 tent? 4 CFL + 1 LED

    Hey guys, I'm growing one plant in a 3x3, the tent is arriving tomorrow and I'm thinking about what hardware I need, mainly concerning the 4 CFL that I realized I should run parallel with the LED. I think it might be good to have them in each corner of the tent about mid height. Should I...
  9. Feracon

    Fertilizer Feeding - granules - How Much???

    i got the floragrow liquid 3 pack, ill let it grow another week and start fertilizing with half the suggested dose.
  10. Feracon

    Smell issue?

    Growweedeasy somehwere has an article descibing a method of clearing a room or area of a room of odor thats really effective, i looked for it but couldnt find so ill do my best to describe it. You take an exhaust fan, attach a scrubber on it and set the assembly upright, exhaust output facing...
  11. Feracon

    Need help, venting new setup

    Im new at this but i read you should have larger intake vents (or multiple intakes) than exhaust to make sure youre not taxing your exhaust fan. makes sense.
  12. Feracon

    Is this minor light-burn?

    Ya i changed to that LED and raised it up so theres a good foot between it and the plant. Thanks for the input!
  13. Feracon

    First grow advice needed please

    Dude... im a noob and that "take clones and flower them" idea to determine sex early blew my mind...
  14. Feracon

    Is this minor light-burn?

    I didnt give them it any nutrients yet
  15. Feracon

    Is this minor light-burn?

    I know lol it's soooo bad. You should see the outside, it's shameful. My tent was supposed to be here last night, planted her in the pot, and it never came. USPS lost it so I'm having another rushed. Just threw this together as fast as i could to keep her happy if possible. I'll try and...
  16. Feracon

    Is this minor light-burn?

    picture below. I hadn't considered using the CFLs and LED. I'll need to think of what fixture setup to use, maybe I can use them on the four corners of the grow tent when it comes. I'll be setting everything up in a 3'x3'x6' venting out my bedroom window tomorrow when it arrives...
  17. Feracon

    Is this minor light-burn?

    Awesome! Just set it up, thanks!
  18. Feracon

    Is this minor light-burn?

    Thanks for the help! So: Regarding the temp: I'm battling a balance between trying to keep humidity UP and temp nominal. If I vent the enclosure, temp goes down to around 75-78 but my humidity plummets down to like 30%. How can I have the best of both attributes? Regarding the light intensity...
  19. Feracon

    Replant Those Long Stretchy Stems ( Its Easy )

    This is really helpful info, thanks for sharing.
  20. Feracon

    Is this minor light-burn?

    Hi all, First plant, forgive me for my ghetto cardboard setup, I'll have something half decent soon, USPS is the worst. Last night my plant had its first solid 18/6 light cycle and this morning i noticed these "singed edges" on the leaves near the top of the plant. I've attached several...