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  1. 1stymer

    dumb question?

    what part of a plant is usually used to make hash? the shake?
  2. 1stymer

    yellowing leaves.

    from what I have learned you might need some nutes with a higher nitrogen content.
  3. 1stymer

    yellowing leaves.

    from what I have learned you might need some nutes with a higher nitrogen content
  4. 1stymer

    yellowing leaves.

    I only use that light when its rainy and cloudy. the rest of the time she sits on my deck and reaches for the sun, but I will keep it closer when I use it. how close?
  5. 1stymer

    Look At This Drug Bust!!!!

    thats coke loot. straight outta columbia cabrone!! what are you gonna do with that much cash other than sit on it, it not gonna fit in you carry-on bag, and you sure can't show up at a bank and ask to deposit a truck load of cash. just imagine the look on the tellers face.
  6. 1stymer

    yellowing leaves.

    that plants in the picture is a bit of a mutant. it looks like 3 plants but is just one with three main colas.
  7. 1stymer

    yellowing leaves.

    what about 15-30-15. 1/4 tbsp. to 2 gals. water?
  8. 1stymer

    yellowing leaves.

    the middle leaves on one of my plants. does anyone know how to fist this problem.
  9. 1stymer

    sativa vs. indica.

    whats the differance? which one is better?
  10. 1stymer

    got a question for all the pros?

    they are clones. i was hoping some one could tell. just outta curiosity.
  11. 1stymer

    got a question for all the pros?

    what strain is this?
  12. 1stymer

    I cant figure out whats wrong with my plants ?

    soil looks super dry.
  13. 1stymer

    Growing in a tree

    you might wanna get that pine hay out of those pots. pine needles are real acidic. I think. definetly get a second opinion.
  14. 1stymer

    Growing in a tree

    takes sum nutz dragging those pots 75 feet up a tree. good job bro.
  15. 1stymer

    how long do mh bulbs last?

    I have a 400 w mh light and I wanna know it there is some kind of lumans meter? this light I have has been running 10 hours a day for the last 6 months. does it need to be replaced?
  16. 1stymer

    best bloom food available in canada.

    any growers from ontario know what the best store bought food for flowering plants. i am about to switch my little girl to 12/12 and I can't get half the stuff the amarican guys suggest.
  17. 1stymer

    I think something is wrong....

    could one of you wise men tell me what strain this plant is?
  18. 1stymer

    I think something is wrong....

    i re-potted her 2 weeks ago, and i feed her with miracle gro shake n feed 19-6-12 slow release plant food (little pellets) is that stuff o.k. or no?
  19. 1stymer

    I think something is wrong....

    my plant has stopped growing. it has been stuck at 12 inches for the past week. it is well taken care of and gets plenty of light. any tips on how I can restart growth. this is my first plant.
  20. 1stymer

    what strain is this?

    how long after I start letting it flower does it take to finish?