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  1. 1stymer

    co2- the po' mans version

    is the a smaller, yet effective version?
  2. 1stymer

    U.S.A vs Canada !!!!!!!

    canada have relaxed laws about everything. thats why we are in all the trouble we are in now.
  3. 1stymer

    Rollitup.Org Animals

    i will put up better pics of casey tommorrow when my wife wakes up. I don't know how to put the damn pictures on the computer.
  4. 1stymer


    exactly. they will sort it out by themselves.
  5. 1stymer

    Rollitup.Org Animals

    no. we live behind a animal rescue centre and some asshole had casey (the lion) living in their backyard until it went bannanas and wrecked eveything. my wife is a stay at home mom and volunteers there everyday and has kinda adopted her till she gets a better home.
  6. 1stymer

    Maybe...A sticky situation

    nice plants bro. good luck!! kinda look like some of mine.
  7. 1stymer

    HiJack - creation of a mad man

    hey wanna sell me the mongoose in the background of your pic.
  8. 1stymer

    I call it "the bong of destiny"

    looks crazy
  9. 1stymer

    U.S.A vs Canada !!!!!!!

    Is there a contest between our two great nations to see who grows the best buds? if not rollitup should sponser one. We could have regional contests, shit talking, beer bongs, the whole works! it will be a great party!!
  10. 1stymer


    i quite smokes when italy won the world cup last year. That was one hell of a hard bet to pay up!
  11. 1stymer


    i am canadian. As a friend and neighbour I feel sorry for your loss. we as Canadian's have lost 66 of our friends and countrymen in Afganistan. Including a young neighbour of mine trooper Darryl Caswell. support the men, not the war. rest in peace bro. the pic is of the main street in our town...
  12. 1stymer

    CO2 during flowering

    my plants stay outside in the sun during the day and go in the closet at night. they are in there first week of flowering. does co2 work at night?
  13. 1stymer

    best stoner vids.

    i don't know counterstrike. it must be a pc game.
  14. 1stymer

    Hybrid Solar Lighting = Natural Sunlight Indoors?

    i have a 400w mh growing a plant thats in a painted-white card board box that about 15inx15in do you guys think this is o.k I am real new at this lighting stuff
  15. 1stymer

    Rollitup.Org Animals

    my wife has a cat. its cute but it eats my damn plants and sleeps alot!!
  16. 1stymer

    best stoner vids.

    whats the best stoner video game of all time? I gotta say mario cart. maybe madden 2007
  17. 1stymer

    yield predictions

    what strain is the bushy one? I have plant that looks a lot like just a bit younger. wild guess at yield? 4 1/2 oz of all of em'
  18. 1stymer


    I was wondering how long should I wait to change soil. I changed it a month ago and she is in her first week of flowering. she gets 10-30-10 nutes every other day in small quantities.
  19. 1stymer

    Those Legal Highs... do they work?

    nothing legal works.
  20. 1stymer

    co2- the po' mans version

    i only have three plants going. do I need that much? how long does a gallon last?