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  1. 1stymer

    co2 at night?

    Does co2 work at night? in sleep cycle during 12/12
  2. 1stymer

    FDD closer to Ganja God Reports Say!

    senor FFD, DOn't you feel like king shit o' turd island!!! haha j/k. congrats.
  3. 1stymer

    honest opinion.

    I have know idea. It's a clone my buddy gave me. I wish someone could tell me.
  4. 1stymer

    honest opinion.

    I have one 400 watt ml. I feed her 19-30-10 mircale gro. 1/2 tablespoon per gallon of water every 3 days. Not good or what
  5. 1stymer

    The SuperCloset

    what website sells those closets?
  6. 1stymer

    honest opinion.

    what do you guys think of this plant. its the first on i ever grown and it's about 5 days into flowering. just wondering what kinda job i am doing. honestly. prase dosen't help me at all unless it's deserved.
  7. 1stymer

    Any Pics of Huge Plants?

    what is the yield from a plant like that?
  8. 1stymer

    whats going on with my plant?

    it's been gone for about a week. i panted the box white inside.
  9. 1stymer

    My bar tab!!!!!!! lets have some fun

    845.50 I am a bad man...
  10. 1stymer

    whats going on with my plant?

    my setup is pretty simple. just some black magic trip mix soil, 30-10-10 miricale grow, 400w mh light and so poor man's co2 during sleep cycle. but I am starting to expand..... p.s. to the tradesmen out there I stole that light in the pic from my site. works great. I am slowy strating go...
  11. 1stymer

    Any Pics of Huge Plants?

    wanna grow moster plants? all you gotta do is join the taliban. this pic were taken by the canadian military in afganistan.the taliban use the plants to disrupt infared camras, and to hide in. some of those frilds are up to 90 hectares in size.
  12. 1stymer

    flash of light effect it?

    really doubt if it hurt anything bro.
  13. 1stymer

    When Did You Last Whitey?

    I think i got sick from bucket hits when I was 15 ( i am 27 now) but I think I drank a six-pack that night too.
  14. 1stymer

    whats going on with my plant?

    bump. sorry. just hope someones got an anwser.
  15. 1stymer

    broken cola

    i taped him up. thanks.
  16. 1stymer

    whats going on with my plant?

    some of the leaves on my plant are yellowing on one side of the plant is this going to spread to the rest of the plant. i am worried
  17. 1stymer

    broken cola

    the main cola on one of my little guys broke due to the wind. any fixing him?
  18. 1stymer

    white shit on my plants.

    yea. but not nearly that much. can I just wipe it off?
  19. 1stymer

    white shit on my plants.

    what is this crap that looks like soap scum on my plants?
  20. 1stymer

    growing *myths* thred, help the grow FAQ

    don't turtles carry tons of bactirea like sammonella and E-coli? i don't think i want any of that shit near my plants.