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  1. uoxi

    ok so I got a QP of bud off a plant SERIOUS PROBLEM

    Damn, where does a qp go for over a grand?
  2. uoxi

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    +rep thanks!
  3. uoxi

    Buds are "fluffy" what did I do wrong??? Pics included

    My buds are always super fluffy after drying, but about 2 weeks into curing they start to dense up. I also flower with cfl's and haven't had any density problems. HPS bulbs are not necessary, but always good.
  4. uoxi

    Proper Flushing, and How Long?

    Yeah I'm definitely looking into getting some blackstrap, is it something that can be found at an organic foods store, or would I need to go to a specialty shop for it?
  5. uoxi

    Proper Flushing, and How Long?

    I'm using FF Tiger Bloom, and they're in MG 2 month fertilized soil, the nutrient reserves in which have been depleted at this point. Will the 10% added to the water still affect the taste? I've flushed the PK the last two waterings, should I start doing the same on White Chocolate #1? The...
  6. uoxi

    Proper Flushing, and How Long?

    @homebrewer: Never would have guessed a mild mix would be more effective at flushing, very interesting. @N!pples: They're in soil, I've had heat issues this grow and as a result I had to cut down on my lighting (I don't even wanna say how many cfls they're making due with, and their respective...
  7. uoxi


    3 plants, two images of each. The pictures are labeled. White Chocolate (White Rhino x Chocolope) #1: 60% cloudy trichs White Chocolate #2: 30% cloudy Purple Kush: 80% cloudy, amber hues in select parts of the plant.
  8. uoxi

    Proper Flushing, and How Long?

    Use nutes during flushing? Wouldn't that kind of defeat the purpose?
  9. uoxi

    Proper Flushing, and How Long?

    Thanks for the replies! Any idea of how long they have left? There are two pictures of each plant, labeled in their file name..
  10. uoxi

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    How about these?
  11. uoxi

    Proper Flushing, and How Long?

    Ok so two questions, the first being how many times should I flush? Virtually everything I read says 1-2 weeks, but can anyone give me an estimate not time based? My current grow doesn't require watering as often as my last grow did. Two, any opinions on when they'll be done? I didn't get...
  12. uoxi

    plant is curling up need to kno if plant is still good?

    It's ideal to have the air in your grow closet to be completely replaced within five minutes
  13. uoxi


    That makes sense. And yeah I have no problem taking a hit on yield, I figured it would be better to do that than to have them outgrow their living quarters before the trichs matured (my PK are almost too big, and the White Chocolates are 55/45 S-Dom.) I'd be really sad if 4 out of the package of...
  14. uoxi

    best cup cakes!!! no doubt

    False. I made cupcakes with laxatives and brought them to school as a senior prank. Everyone said they were the best cupcakes they have ever eaten. Two people asked for seconds :P
  15. uoxi

    I hope my mom dies

    Being in the military will not make you a man, and they won't take him (he's on probation & I'm pretty sure the only (sub)branch giving drug waivers at the moment is the National Guard, and that's restricted to one misdemeanor charge) @420 Kid no matter how pissed you are you need to respect...
  16. uoxi


    Thanks for the replies! I was able to put the pictures on photobucket, and from there attach them to this post. Pictured is the largest of the four, taken today. Are you sure? They were roughly 5-6 inches tall when I started flowering them, with a few sets of true leaves and a solid root...
  17. uoxi


    So I have 4 White Chocolates going at the moment, which have been flowering for over 3 weeks. The size they are now (very small, especially having been alive for over 5 weeks) is maybe 20% larger than they were when they entered the 12/12. There's been very little growth at all. Today they were...
  18. uoxi

    Another hermie?!?!?!

    A couple days ago I posted a few pics of a Mango about a week into flowering, to which you all helpfully informed me that it was in fact a hermie (thank you). Now one of my Purple Kush is showing a vaguely similar response, but I might just be paranoid now. Can someone please ease my mind, or...
  19. uoxi

    Please tell me she isn't a hermie...

    I'm a little less than a week into flowering. As of now there's a mixture of smaller balls, seemingly indicative of a male, but also one or two sets of pistol-producing calyxes. This being my only Mango, I'm hesitant to toss it, but I don't need it inseminating the rest of my babies. Please...
  20. uoxi

    Advantage V. disadvantage CFL's

    Call me noobish for quoting, but this is what my man Jorge has to say on the matter: Lumen to Watt ratio: HPS Lights: 140 lumens/watt Metal Halide: 120 lumens/watt Compact Florescents: 100 lumens/watt Lumen Output in Relation to Distance: Using a 1k watt Metal Halide Lamp: <1ft: 9k-12k...