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  1. W

    Growing perpetual

    Is there any advantage yield wise to growing perpetual vs. just starting everything at the same time? Thanks.
  2. W

    Lighting 10x10 room

    Sorry I didn't respond earlier guys, had something come up. Anyways, yes, I only have 1 grow under my belt right now, although I have been growing other species of plants indoors (not that it matters) for years. I don't mind the arguing in this thread either, doesn't bother me. Yes, I will be...
  3. W

    Lighting 10x10 room

    After extensive research...I cant decide whether to go with HPS or LED...of course the con with the LED would be the startup cost...I have read multiple people claim that anything larger than a 4x4 or so should be done with this the overall consensus? Thanks guys.
  4. W

    IF you are new to LED and want help choosing what to buy, POST HERE!

    OK, I saw that, buts that's equivalent to 4k HPS? it only draws like 300 watts...
  5. W

    IF you are new to LED and want help choosing what to buy, POST HERE!

    Do you have the link? I cant find it on there.
  6. W

    IF you are new to LED and want help choosing what to buy, POST HERE!

    Hello, long term reader but I don't post much. I am new to LED and don't have any electricity experience. I would like to replace a 2k HPS system and would just like some input... 1. For me, yield does matter, so I am looking to match the 1 gpw yield within 90 day period. 2. Budget isn't...
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    Please help figure out what is going on with these fine genetics

    I'm curious as to why my plants are doing this when I have seen so many people have success with 24/0.
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    Please help figure out what is going on with these fine genetics

    These two are approximately 2 weeks old from germination. I have them under 4 23w 6500k cfls and 3 23w 2700k cfls. As you can see the leaves on both plants will yellow, feel bone dry, and continue to look like the bottom leaves in the attached pictures. I only water 1-2 times per week, they...
  9. W

    BIG BOMB from Bomb seeds cfl lighting

    How did you plug the cfls into the surge protector like that?
  10. W

    12 plants under a 1000 watt light what should i yield??

    Redzone, how long did you veg for after that pic at 5.5 weeks? Im sure you are done with that harvest, from start to finish were you 90 days to harvest? How much did you yield?