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  1. W

    Gavita 1000's with 8 foot ceilings... That is what I was looking at but I like your setup much more!
  2. W

    Gavita 1000's with 8 foot ceilings...

    Hey, thanks for the quick reply! Your being too good to me =) "But in you case, i would put two elbows on the ends and connect both manifolds with a piece of tubing. It would make for even better/even distribution." I am trying to envision this but having trouble doing you mean at the...
  3. W

    Designing a Drain to Waste table...

    I am currently designing a SOG 4x4 table under a 750 watt HPS with 8' ceilings...I will be delivering the nutrients thru 2 drip feeds per plant in coco 1 gallon pots/net pots. I am using 2 drips per plant just in case one of the drip lines clog there will be a backup. I have a couple questions...
  4. W

    Gavita 1000's with 8 foot ceilings...

    Yeah I saw that, unfortunately runoff to the lawn isn't something I am comfortable with. I do have a sink that I could pump to though! A couple questions if you don't mind: 1. Now for the table itself, do you have it higher from the ground on one end and the drain on the lower end of the...
  5. W

    Gavita 1000's with 8 foot ceilings...

    No, I am convinced! I dont like to get married to ideas when I don't have much experience =)
  6. W

    Lighting 10x10 room

    Actually, what I meant was if I have a 1000 watt CXB system for example, dont the LED guys usually run it only at 600 watts from the wall?
  7. W

    Gavita 1000's with 8 foot ceilings...

    OK, awesome! So for a 4'x4' tray, how big of a res are you using? How often does it need to be refilled? Also, with the tray 6" off the ground, how are you draining the water out? I assume you have the tray parrellel to the ground and use a tap thru the bottom of the tray (just like F&D) and...
  8. W

    Gavita 1000's with 8 foot ceilings...

    Do you have any pics or designs of the DTW setup? Honestly I haven't looked into DTW at all. How much more money are you spending on nutrients/water vs. a regular F&D setup?
  9. W

    Growing perpetual

    OK, thanks!
  10. W

    Gavita 1000's with 8 foot ceilings...

    I haven't gotten any yet...still planning things out...I would like to have a setup comparable with Any suggestions keeping in mind the 8' ceilings?
  11. W

    Gavita 1000's with 8 foot ceilings...

    Oh, nm, I see the nanolux 1000 watter...but I dont think I have enough room even with that with 8' ceilings!
  12. W

    Gavita 1000's with 8 foot ceilings...

    The new nanolux CMH 630 watt system? Isn't CMH only for veg? Oh, and I didn't mention this earlier but there will be no veg at all, the clones will go straight to 12/12
  13. W

    Gavita 1000's with 8 foot ceilings...

    As Gavitas or a different brand? The 6/750 Gavitas are only like 30 dollars cheaper than the 1000w from the source I am looking at...not that it matters, what works is what matters, but curious as to which 6/750's you reccomend.
  14. W

    Gavita 1000's with 8 foot ceilings...

    Is there any RF interference the the phantoms? I am looking at the Gravitas because they are the best in the industry from what I have read.
  15. W

    Gavita 1000's with 8 foot ceilings...

    I am looking to keep them short, like in this post: I believe he only allows them to grow 3 feet tall are your trays off of the ground? If I can keep the trays 2 feet off the ground it should be ok...I want to do a...
  16. W

    Gavita 1000's with 8 foot ceilings...

    I am planning a flood and drain setup and have read multiple threads about how people aren't able to get enough space between their plants and the Gravitas...My concern is with the height of the drain table that there may not be enough space...Anyone know the distance required between the plants...
  17. W

    Regarding sticky at the top

    Regarding this sticky thread here: I am new to hydro and would like to have a system like this although to start out with on a smaller scale. Anyone have a 4'x4' system for the flowering trays like this? I am having difficulty...
  18. W

    Growing perpetual

    So just a larger amount of harvests... So the yield after 3 months for example of a perpetual grow aren't any different from a grow where everything is started and finished at the same time? Thanks guys.
  19. W

    Lighting 10x10 room back to the questions... =) I see some people said that 3200 watt CXB's would compare with 4000 watt that 3200 watts the amount drawn from the wall or at a lower amount due to the lower efficiency? Thanks.