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  1. critik

    Male or female?

    I guess thats what there called I dont quite remember each part of the plant. But we will see tho in a few days or so
  2. critik

    Male or female?

    And you mean left?
  3. critik

    Male or female?

    those arn't nuts btw there just leafs and spites. I examined this plant to the fullest def no nuts yet.
  4. critik

    Male or female?

    Hmmm I see. Well That hair Hasn't stopped growing It has me concerned I am going to wait it out for a few days. But it doesn't look like the male preflower. Ill get back to everyone later. Thnx for the pics. And they do kinda have that tear drop look. But idk
  5. critik

    Male or female?

    My guess where female judging from that hair coming out none of the others have it tho. And theres not many around the plant just 2 at the top and 1 growing on the node under and maybe one more else were.
  6. critik

    Male or female?

    1 of the pods have a small hair that is growing daily coming out. No there is no stem connected to it that I can see right now. If u got pics put em up
  7. critik

    Male or female?

    SIR Smoker explain?
  8. critik

    Male or female?

    But that pic helps see it if you can idk its kinda hard to see
  9. critik

    Male or female?

    We aint arguing we just talking about this plant thas all.
  10. critik

    Male or female?

    you can clearly see the hair coming out of it in the left box with a good lcd screen. Without one its hard to see it
  11. critik

    Male or female?

    Alright i am going to draw circles around them and post a pic I think you might be looking else where to tell me if this is what ur looking at. one sec
  12. critik

    Male or female?

    LOL. Alright. I do not have a 30x gadget. And what are you referring to as "triangular points". I hope ur not thinking I am talking about those 2 pointy whatchamacallits. You do see what I am talking about right? Why did you even bring those up anyways.
  13. critik

    B A G S E E D CFl Grow. Mini Cab/Closet Grow []D [] []\/[] []D [] []\[]..

    The Setup/Plants This is the Timer And the thermometer outside the closet. This is inside the closet as you can see I have the The Surge Protector connected to the timer. Then everything is connected to that. This is the Bagseed at 35 days of veg. Really dark green color any reason? Topped/LST...
  14. critik

    Male or female?

    Serapis I have ? The string like hair coming out of the one on the left which you cant see but I can would def not be a male Flower right?
  15. critik

    Male or female?

    I have done my research. But it just has me wondering cause the one on the left has a string coming out of it. But its to hard to see with the human eye. Thats why I think its Female.. And the plant is still in the 24/0 of light.
  16. critik

    Male or female?

    These calyx look alike things have popped up in various places on my plant not every where just some places. But in this picture look at the 2 main stems and where I topped the plant you will see 2 calyx like things now I am trying to figure out if its male or female. The Flower on the left has...
  17. critik

    B A G S E E D CFl Grow. Mini Cab/Closet Grow []D [] []\/[] []D [] []\[]..

    Mannn I needa know if this plant is female or male its in the picture clear as day I just dont know.
  18. critik

    B A G S E E D CFl Grow. Mini Cab/Closet Grow []D [] []\/[] []D [] []\[]..

    I am going to get me a couple Water Farms.
  19. critik

    B A G S E E D CFl Grow. Mini Cab/Closet Grow []D [] []\/[] []D [] []\[]..

    I just found out that Scott's owns miracle grow. And So that means the small ammount of fertilizer in my potting soil which is like 0.03-0.07-0.04 NPK is miracle fertilizer? If so thats gay I dont want to use miracle grow. But it is a small ratio do you think it would cause issues cause I am...