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  1. critik

    B A G S E E D CFl Grow. Mini Cab/Closet Grow []D [] []\/[] []D [] []\[]..

    Well you could easily Build something Like I did for a low cost. Mine are hanging from the close Rack With the small chains as you can see. Try to build something in your head go to home depot and build it. Thats what I did. How big is the closet?
  2. critik

    Praying Mantis?

    May sound weird But I Use to have a praying mantis as like a pet you could say not really ?? idk but I use to feed it crickets and shit its fucking crazyy.
  3. critik

    B A G S E E D CFl Grow. Mini Cab/Closet Grow []D [] []\/[] []D [] []\[]..

    Don't know if I mentioned this but the ROCKLOCK is Alive...
  4. critik

    B A G S E E D CFl Grow. Mini Cab/Closet Grow []D [] []\/[] []D [] []\[]..

    Yea I just need to build a hood I plan on it dw
  5. critik

    B A G S E E D CFl Grow. Mini Cab/Closet Grow []D [] []\/[] []D [] []\[]..

    That actually turned into a big problem think it was over watering maybe or heat issue not sure but its all good now
  6. critik

    B A G S E E D CFl Grow. Mini Cab/Closet Grow []D [] []\/[] []D [] []\[]..

    Alright So I have A update a lot has changed over the last few days I recently transplanted the plant which turned out good the plant seems to be doing way better then before... Anyways I started to train the plant. But shortly after it was standing straight back up I wish I had a screen cause...
  7. critik

    purple K/sativa outdoors pic...

    yes dry fdg df gdfgdfgdfgdf
  8. critik

    HELP!!! Plants drooping. photos enclosed

    Secondly you shouldn't have 2 plants in the same pot I dont know why but it ain't good. I think your maybe burning the plant. But overall light is too close judging from the 10th/11th pic and Supposedly MG isn't a good soil to use cause of its time release ferts that arn't good for seedlings...
  9. critik

    HELP!!! Plants drooping. photos enclosed

    you never put a high wattage HPs within a few inches away which it looks like your doing.
  10. critik

    Hermaphrodite harvest (LED and CFL)

    How did this happen?
  11. critik

    My flowering closet and electricity questions?

    And Ok I will look up on that and try to add things up. Ty
  12. critik

    My flowering closet and electricity questions?

    Hmm But these things are supposedly energy sufficient I just wanted to know will it cost a lot to run them. Do Cfls usually use up alot of electricity?
  13. critik

    My flowering closet and electricity questions?

    Alright so I am getting my closet ready for flowering plants I have a lot setup but it still needs a few things you can suggest things and give me advice but My main question is will it do for flowering And give me some nice buds? And another question I have is how much more will I be paying...
  14. critik

    B A G S E E D CFl Grow. Mini Cab/Closet Grow []D [] []\/[] []D [] []\[]..

    Yea you should see it now its gotten way bigger I think
  15. critik

    Gumballs CMH Powered PC

    That is pretty crazy My sink water is in the blue area but i USE distilled water it seems to do fine.
  16. critik

    B A G S E E D CFl Grow. Mini Cab/Closet Grow []D [] []\/[] []D [] []\[]..

    Yea think that was the problem But after a while it pops up once it gets a lil dry.
  17. critik

    What is this?

    Wow didn't scotts was bad I havent heard much bad from it. Hmm I dont think I could find any FFOF around here. Where exactly can I get it? And I think the problem might be over fertilizing I mean why else would my leaves roll under but there not dead they still standing after 5 days and they...
  18. critik

    What is this?

    But is this what you think would cause that problem you see in the pics the wiltedness the dying of the first leafs like that? If it was too acidic wouldnt I see the effect on the whole plant? And what about the ram horned leafs?