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  1. flogger

    How to maximize mother to get clones

    Yeah, it is bushy. She grew really compact which is great, I think. I will start to find some 5" long parts to cut. There should be a few on there. Thanks for your response.
  2. flogger

    How to maximize mother to get clones

    I have a plant I started from fem seed and want to grow this as a mother plant to take clones from. She is looking decent so far with the execption of the occasional burn mark from the leaves touching the CFL's. What can I do to make sure I get enough parts of the plant to take cuttings...
  3. flogger

    My First Bubbleponic grow

    Well I am a newbie and am currently doing a bubbleponics grow. I started using feeer tubes stuck in the side of my rockwool and noticed it was getting too wet. I stopped using using the feeder tubes and let the mist from the bubbles keep the hydroton and rockwool wet. It seemed to help with...
  4. flogger

    My First Bubbleponic grow

    You are having quite alot of water coming out of those tubes. Isn't that getting your rockwool too wet? Plus you have multiple seedlings in one pot. You are going to get your roots tangled and won't be able to separate them.
  5. flogger

    Seedling in trouble...please help!

    Hope you can help me out. I have this seedling that was germinated but has stopped gowing. It has been 2 week since it sprouted about hte rockwool. I looked last night and there are just the tips of the roots coming out of the bottom of the rockwool. The leaves are starting to turn a lime...
  6. flogger

    How to increase my nutrients

    Great point. I didn't think about the fact they may use up at different ratios of NPK resulting in an inbalance. I will start from fresh. Thanks +rep to you !
  7. flogger

    How to increase my nutrients

    I am at the point where I want to increase the amount of nutrients I am giving my mature seedling. Should I change the water when I add more nutes or can I just add it to the nute solution I already have? I am running a DWC system. Thanks for your response.
  8. flogger

    Hydro w/out Nutes??

    I had a seedling growing for 3 weeks w/out nutes. Just phed water. It started to turn a light green. I read on here I should start nutes. I did at 1/4 strength. Actually less than 1/4 strength and it is greener and growing. IT might get stressed if you go too long w/out nutes. My growth...
  9. flogger

    Hello... I'm a newbie Bubblehead.

    I am a newbie too and just started my first bubbleponics grow. Once comment. I think you would be much better off covering your reservoirs and blocking hte light from entering. Roots do not like light. Could also be why you are getting green stuff growing too (Algae). It need light to...
  10. flogger

    Help: Why did my seedling leaves change color?

    OK, just added some nutes. See what happens. Hopefully this is where I see the "explosive" growth everyone has experienced. Thanks for your response, Illegal.
  11. flogger

    Help: Why did my seedling leaves change color?

    Hey Illegal. You responded to one of my other posts where I mentioned using a feeder tube in my DWC/Bubbleponics setup. I noticed one day my pump was running and the rockwool was way overwatered. So I stopped with the feeder tubes. I let the go for 2 days with no water and I think this might...
  12. flogger

    Help: Why did my seedling leaves change color?

    Hey RIU. I have two seedlings in a DWC system. One is a week older than the other but I started to notice when I looked at the two, the older ones leaves were getting lighter. The younger seedling has much darker green leaves. Now I was using a feeder tube in my Bubbleponic/DWC grow but...
  13. flogger

    Using distilled water to calibrate ph and ppm meter.

    How about the ppm's ??? A previous post said it should be 0. I currently use my tap water and noticed my ppm's are around 200 and my seedlings aren't doing so good. I was wondering if it might be bacause my PPM's are too high (especially for my seedlings). Was thinking about switching to...
  14. flogger

    Using distilled water to calibrate ph and ppm meter.

    Can you use distilledwater to calibrate your ph and ppm meter? I understand distilled water typically has a ph of 7 and a ppm around 0-10. Can you use that to tune your meter instead of buying calibration solution? Thanks for your responses!!!
  15. flogger

    Distilled water, ppm, seedling

    I using distilled water to germinate some seeds. They have sprouted by I checked my distilled water with my PH and PPM meter and my PPM meter is giving me a reading of 200 ppms. I don't know if my meter is not calibrated or if it is possible to a reading of 200 ppms in distilled water. Also...
  16. flogger

    Newbie first time doing Bubbleponic DWC grow

  17. flogger

    Newbie first time doing Bubbleponic DWC grow

    Hey RIU. I postedthis in the Hydroponic/DWC section lastnight but didn't get much feedback. Although what I did get was helpful. Wanted to see if my seedling is at the size it should be for 2 weeks. Thought I'd try a DWC grow from seed using the Roseman Bubbleponic DWC design. I like the...
  18. flogger

    Noob doing DWC grow

    Well my rockwool is not that deep in my netpot, as seen in the pict I posted. I will have to consider that next time. My feeder tubes are working cause I see water dripping from the netpots. Thanks Illegal for the info.
  19. flogger

    Noob doing DWC grow

    I am afraid to remove the feeder tubes cause I don't see how the mist gets through all the hydroton through the bottom of the net pot to keep the rockwool moist and to get water to the roots. I do not have any roots coming out of the bottom of the net pots. How low is your rockwool down...
  20. flogger

    Noob doing DWC grow

    Thanks i420. So you are in 3 weeks and you are already giving nutes?