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  1. S

    Attitude Pre-paid card Payment Issues?

    I should mention that it's free to sign up and free to keep.
  2. S

    Attitude Pre-paid card Payment Issues?

    I use a walmart pre-paid card. You can load money / withdraw it at any time in any walmart location and can use the card to make purchases anywhere in the world. It's a mastercard. I loaded it with $400 dollars to purchase some materials once only to decide against it. When I wanted my cash back...
  3. S

    Short stocky plants

    This statement couldn't be too true. My plants looked like death. Everyone on RIU told me they were headed for the grave. Suddenly! They snapped out of it and took off, growing so so much in just a short time. The plant that was the worst of my four is now a foot taller then the rest and the...
  4. S

    My First Grow: Nice Pics Included

    Since my T5 has the blue spectrum lighting I think I will leave my closet as is with that light and strictly use it for veg. I'm working on plans now to make a 3x3x6 foot grow box and am going to purchase a 400wat HPS to flower with. So hopefully within a week or two I'll have that light and box...
  5. S

    My First Grow: Nice Pics Included

    I was curious if someone with some experience could tell me how long before I should / could / would try to flower them. I was thinking of vegging for another month, possibly two. I have plenty of room in my grow closet and another 3 or 4 feet for the light to raise up so size isn't an issue...
  6. S

    My First Grow: Nice Pics Included

    @Snowbuds - All four of them are random bag seeds. Plants 1 and 2 are the same strain from the same bag. Plant 3 is from it's own bag. Plant 4 is from yet another bag. Not sure what strain any of them are. For bag seeds they are doing ok. Only running the sex risk. Possibility of being...
  7. S

    My First Grow: Nice Pics Included

    Thanks for the positive feedback guys! I'm really happy that they recovered as well as they did. I have several pictures from 3/9/11 and then the ones above taken on 3/19/11. (10 days difference.) You won't believe how much growth they received during that 10 days. I'll go work on those now.
  8. S

    My First Grow: Nice Pics Included

    I had another thread asking advice when my plants were babies and nearly dead. I used the advice everyone gave me and this is the end result. Month and a half later my dying ladies turned into strong ones. At least I think so. What ya think? (These are the time-line pics. Other pics below.)
  9. S

    Something is wrong. I need you experts!

    Allright. Long overdue update on the status of the plants. I replanted them into larger pots. Got some better / more soil. Got some nutrients! FINALLY! Look at these babies go. This is about a month and a half of growtime since the pictures on page 1. Plant 1 and Plant 2 survived and are...
  10. S

    Something is wrong. I need you experts!

    Yeah everyone is preaching the nutrient / ph sermon to me. I get it! I'm converted! As soon as I can I'll pick up both. I know it sounds silly but 20 bucks to spend on my plants is out of my budget right now. And again, I know that growing like that won't yield much if anything. I know I'm...
  11. S

    Something is wrong. I need you experts!

    I'll keep an eye on this thread for more helpful information but I think I've heard the main things I need to do. I appreciate the input from everyone and I look forward to posting some healthy looking plants some day. That was a sad sentence. :(
  12. S

    Something is wrong. I need you experts!

    Allright. I'll see what I can do for the spectrum setup. I know I need nitrogen solution bad. Just waiting on those good ol tax returns. Haha. Yeah... sadly I don't think even that could help plant three. What I'm hoping to do here is learn from these first three pants, hope something comes...
  13. S

    Something is wrong. I need you experts!

    I was hoping to avoid the truth but here is how their life started. Hey I have bag seeds, lets germinate. Oh crap, they sprouted a tap root, now what? Hey here is some soda cans, some dirt from the outside and a single CFL lamp in my living room. Good enough right? 2 weeks later. Uhhhhh. They...
  14. S

    Something is wrong. I need you experts!

    Speaking of seedlings. Here is 4 young ones that started their life under the T5. If the three oldest plants don't survive I have these 4 to fall back on. ~1 and a half to 2 weeks old. Looking far better then their older sisters did 2 weeks in.
  15. S

    Something is wrong. I need you experts!

    They are a month and a half old. I know they are badly stunted. They had a scary first month before I realized my setup wasn't going to cut it. They've been under the T5 for a good 2 or 3 weeks.
  16. S

    Something is wrong. I need you experts!

    What exactly do ya mean? The stem from about halfway point to the top is purple and fuzzy. The rest of the stem from halfway point down into the dirt is hard and greenish brown. I don't know what wooded over means and I don't know if I should say thank you, or OH NOES fix it fix it fix it...
  17. S

    Something is wrong. I need you experts!

    Oh I'm sure there are lots of gadgets that would be my best friend right now. Sadly, I'm on an extremely fixed budget. I know this can, will and probably already has affected my plants. But they say "Live by doing." (I think someone says that, or something like it) Either way, I'm learning!
  18. S

    Something is wrong. I need you experts!

    These plants have been through a ton of stress. (Repotted 3 times and grown in dirt from the outside for their first 2 weeks.) After that I picked up some miracle grow as it was the only soil being sold in my area (-20 degrees and 3 feet of snow). Currently using 24 hours on. Should I go 18/6...
  19. S

    Something is wrong. I need you experts!

    Using a T5 with Red / Blue spectrums. (Came that way.) Has 3 6500K blues and 3 3000k red bulbs. Claiming 45,000 lumens. Is it the spectrum or just the T5 in general? I thought I had plenty of light for only 3 plants. I watered just yesterday because previous people have warned me about...
  20. S

    Something is wrong. I need you experts!

    This is plant 3. Plant 3 is by far in the worst shape. All leaves are curling. Lower leaves are a very strange brown color and purple on the tips / sides Upper leaves and new growth have the same purple on the sides / tips as plants 1 and 2 do. *EDIT* Forgot to mention that today I saw this...