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  1. Jon Galt


  2. Jon Galt

    Attempting to prove Spinosad can handle PM

    Better safe than sorry. I'm glad you looked into this because you helped me understand it too. Thank you.
  3. Jon Galt

    Attempting to prove Spinosad can handle PM

    Yeah, I've used it as well. Shocked me when I heard it was banned, I still have a bottle. Haha
  4. Jon Galt

    Attempting to prove Spinosad can handle PM

    You may be right, I'm not sure. I thought I heard they added it to a banned list. This is Washington, but it may back up my claim. Pesticide Testing :: Washington State Department of Health
  5. Jon Galt

    Attempting to prove Spinosad can handle PM

    Isn't Spinosad on the unapproved (for cannabis) list?
  6. Jon Galt

    Highest Art

    Once it's about money, the art suffers. It's a hard balance because you need to make a living but the true art is priceless.
  7. Jon Galt

    Highest Art

    You're really good at this. I hope you're still into it from a pure art standpoint.
  8. Jon Galt

    Highest Art

    This one is dope.
  9. Jon Galt

    What about Ohio???

    Ohio Laws and Penalties - NORML
  10. Jon Galt

    What about Ohio???

    Not to my knowledge.
  11. Jon Galt

    What about Ohio???

    I wish. Make home grows legal.
  12. Jon Galt

    Stupid question from a stupid person and im sure il get stupid answers

    Let me also add, I'd try to find a forbidden fruit cross. Then I could hunt some packs to find a forbidden fruit leaning mother and S1 that. Hunt that S1 generation for another forbidden fruit leaner, and S2 that. Take it to S3 if you had luck in the first 2 generations. Might be faster to do it...
  13. Jon Galt

    Stupid question from a stupid person and im sure il get stupid answers

    This is how I'd approach it. Good suggestion, Jim.
  14. Jon Galt

    Dude from Michigan picking up some Malana Cream straight from the source. 2:30 seconds in. [MEDIA]

    Dude from Michigan picking up some Malana Cream straight from the source. 2:30 seconds in.
  15. Jon Galt


  16. Jon Galt


    You're good. All those white hairs will turn orange fast if they've been pollinated.
  17. Jon Galt


    It identifies as a female.
  18. Jon Galt

    what the f are these??? help!!!

    For sure, aphids.
  19. Jon Galt

    what the f are these??? help!!!

  20. Jon Galt

    Busted buying seeds online

    They left me a note inside the coffee cup that Attitude use to send. It said enjoy your coffee with a smiley face. F*ckers.