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  1. O

    How long until harvest?

    Ok thanks. I fed it the gravity anyway...hopefully that wasn't a huge fuckup haha. And yeah. I raised the lights and actually ONLY fed with the gravity, at half strength. Next time when I have more plants I'll experiment with it better.
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    How long until harvest?

    So, I'd really like to start feeding my plant with the Gravity I bought the other day...but it says to wait until the final 3 weeks of flowering. I followed someone elses grow log that grew from the same seeds, same mother plant as me (we got our seeds from the same person)...according to his...
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    Cloning - first time! :] I'd like some help, if available~

    Thanks for everyones help! I've read a ton about cloning, so I feel like I have a pretty good grip on it :-P
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    Cloning - first time! :] I'd like some help, if available~

    I have a terrarium left over from when I was trying to grow some shroomies. Its a big rubbermaid bin (like 8 gallon or whatever they are) and its clear with holes drilled in. Should that work as a clone room? If I put the cups in there and then just mist the sides? Also - I DO have some rock...
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    Cloning - first time! :] I'd like some help, if available~

    So, I just got back from the hydro store with my RooTech cloning gel :hump: I have my mother plant with plenty of good branches. I have my clean razor blade waiting to cut. I'll dip the clones into the gel directly after cutting to avoid air bubbles and then... Then what? Can I place them...
  6. O

    Seed trading sites?

    I couldn't find any sites that are willing to do trades...something maybe like ebay but with seeds? Seed prices are really rediculous and I'd like to grow more than one strain this summer :cry: I have about 10 whitewidow x troublemaker seeds that my cousin gave me to trade. (troublemaker =...
  7. O

    Using rain (or melted snow) for plants?

    You mean the PH adjustments? Yeah. I don't think I'll bother with that. I'll let them get the water as natural as it gets. If you mean nutes...well...a little more of a good thing never hurt, right? I'm using all FF nutes anyway, so it IS all natural. Its just a concentration of the goodies...
  8. O

    Using rain (or melted snow) for plants?

    Cool! I have a bunch of those green bins laying around with crap in them. I'm gonna go outside a shovel a bunch of snow into them haha. I guess I'll get some use out of this garbage while its here! How long will it last? In something like a sealed milk jug?
  9. O

    Using rain (or melted snow) for plants?

    So, I've read in multiple places that plants really like rain water. Would it make sense to catch rain water in buckets, then transfer to gallons to save for later? It doesn't really cost anything and prolly helps the environment! What about melting down snow to use for water? There sure is...
  10. O

    About Lighting...

    I'm just big of a spike do I have to have in my electrical bill before anyone takes any notice? I'm looking to have a reasonably small setup...150w HPS, and a bunch of CFL's...maybe like 20 :eyesmoke: Will they notice, or care?
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    My Plan

    I say "hydro" because I used General Hydroponics shit last time. I'm growing in coir. But I need to be able to buy my stuff at Lowes. I don't have the convenience of a hydro store, and its literally a 15 minute drive to my post office to pick up packages. An hour and a half to the UPS place lol.
  12. O

    My Plan

    I plan on keeping my plants under 24 hour lighting for the first three weeks (including germination!). After 3 weeks, I will switch to 18/6. After how many weeks should I change to 12/12? Also, does Lowes have ANY hydroponic nutes? We don't have any stores around here, and ordering online is...
  13. O

    Ah. Sorry, I barely ever log in here...and I can't remember for the life of me what happened in...

    Ah. Sorry, I barely ever log in here...and I can't remember for the life of me what happened in the 2c-i thread. I never ordered any (remember I was gonna)...and a friend of mine uses this account as I have no idea what you mean haha. If it was a source I was talking about - its gone now.
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    My Crazy Hash...

    So, we've been doing some iso hash extractions with the leaves left over from my plants. We are getting better at it now, and getting a more golden colored hash. The third time we did it, we followed the same exact steps...but got a really strange product. Its really, really sticky, almost...
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    Is she ready? :/

    I know about the trichs, but I can't see them :( No microscope and I can't find one around here unfortunately. Thanks for the tips though guys. I'll let her go a little while longer.
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    Is she ready? :/

    IDK how much more its going to grow. Its been flowering for like 9 weeks now.
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    Is she ready? :/

    I figured it'd be hard to tell. Does she look ready to harvest?
  18. O

    Is she ready? :/

    Sorry for being a noob. Admittedly, this is my first ever grow, so I fucked up quite a bit. But thats OK. I hold it as a valuable learning experience :P I didn't do too much...mostly just veg nutes and water. So, I wasn't expecting much. I know these aren't covered in trichs like most of your...
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    Did I Just Fuck Up?

    Haha, sweet! I hope its not too much of a shock for her. And yeah, I'm not worried about getting caught. Its a huge forest that nobody goes into. No problemo.
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    Did I Just Fuck Up?

    I COULD, but there is really no way for me to keep it in my current cabinet :[