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  1. O

    Did I Just Fuck Up?

    So I live in upstate NY...I just finished up my first grow, and had 4 females. Harvested 1 a few weeks ago (she was an early bloomer) and 2 yesterday. One got OMFG huge. I kept tying that shit down and she just kept burning herself. She was really late blooming, and has been in flowering...
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    Tying My Baby Down, Worried.

    Well I tried doing that super cropping, the plant is now bent over pretty bad. I didn't break the stem, but its bent really bad. Is that what you meant? I hope so lmao.
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    Tying My Baby Down, Worried.

    Those plants are kinda...well, not the best plants. The one on the right hand side Only has the main top-bud (I was experimenting again, lol) and the other one is getting adequate light. Those only have a little while left anyway :)
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    Tying My Baby Down, Worried.

    :shock: Really? I've never heard of that before. What should I do with the branches that are on the "floor"? Just bend them upwards? Is it really better to lay her down sideways than to tie her over like that?
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    Tying My Baby Down, Worried.

    I had 4 plants going, one wasn't showing sex for a LONG time. It was getting very tall, so I stuck her back into re-veg as an experiment. A few weeks later, my best girl was ready to harvest (harvested Saturday) and the other 2 plants have got like 2 weeks left I think. Well, I started...
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    ALL leafs wilted!

    Oh no! I'm about 3-4 weeks into flowering now. Last night I had an emergency situation and couldn't get home to turn my lights off. They were on my flowering plant for ~14 hours. When I got home to shut them off, every single leaf was wilted and the plant just looked so bad. It was still bad...
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    Trimming My Plant...

    OK then, I'll just leave them alone. The only ones that have died are those weird single-blade leafs so far haha. Maybe one of the 3-blade leafs. The reason I was worried is because I have one plant that got pretty stretched, and shes doing OK down at the bottom (the light manages to reach) and...
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    Trimming My Plant...

    My plants aren't getting enough light down at the bottom, and some of the leafs are turning color, shriveling up, and falling off :cry: Should I trim some of these big old leaves that are blocking the light from them? I have a buddy that just cuts all his leafs off, and leaves the plant...
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    Heres my story. Its my first grow, so I screwed up quite a bit. I left all my plants on 12/12 since they were just tiny seedlings...maybe 3 days of veg time. Well, my plants have grown up, and I had 2 males, 3 females, and one that is STILL UNKNOWN. I'm told that it is most likely a female...
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    Seedling Box

    So I fucked up my most recent first grow. They've got about a month left, but I'm way too impatient to wait that long. I'm going to have a separate box where I veg some plants for the month or so that these plants have left. The "rubbermaid" thing is really appealing to me, but I...
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    Looking for some pics...

    Specific ones. I was wondering if anyone knows of a place (perhaps a grow log) that REALLY documents the flowering stage? I mean like, pics every one or two days. I can't seem to find a good grow log full of pics. I'm just looking for someones plant to compare my own to, so I know how...
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    Stupid Noob Question...

    That plant will be 30 days old on the 27th. So, its less than a month old. I saw the hairs...last week sometime. I have it written down somewhere lol. And less than 2 feet tall. I have one thats really stretched (oddly enough, the one thats pictured there is the stretched one) and the others...
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    Stupid Noob Question...

    I feel really embarrassed to ask this question...I feel like I should really already know haha. This is my first grow, and I have a plant that is doing really well (IMO anyway haha). At each of the branches that comes out, I see 5 or 6 white hairs. I know that indicates a female plant, which...
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    How long does bud last?

    When I first met my girlfriend (almost 4 years ago now) we agreed to quit toking while we got to know eachother. 2 years later, we were burning together. Well, as it turns out...I must have put all my herb in a bag and taped it to the inside of my wood panneling, because I just found a whole...
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    Quick HPS Question (kinda important)

    I wouldn't say "too hot", but I'd say noticeably warmer. Edit: Oh wait I see what your saying lol.
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    Quick HPS Question (kinda important)

    Its not under the light thats the problem. Its OVER them, on the ceiling. I'm working on some ventilation now (didn't need it really with the CFL's), trying to figure out what to do. I have a 2x2 cabinet, about 3 or 4 feet tall.
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    Quick HPS Question (kinda important)

    I just got my first 150w HPS light, and I'm wondering how far it should hang from the ceiling to avoid over heating? It should be a foot from my plants, right? (is a little more OK, like, 1.5 feet?) I didn't realize my kit didn't come with chains to hang it on...I'll have to get some later...
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    Too Good?

    Prices on the internet can be too good. As in, scam sites. I know that HTG is a good site, I actually found that right after I posted, but didn't bother editing haha. I might invest in that one, if the store doesn't have anything I like. While I'm here (rather than make a new thread) my...
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    Too Good?

    Admittedly, this is my first grow :P Thanks for the tip, I'll try it next time but its too late with these ladies. May their clones get treated better :]
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    Too Good?

    I'm growing in a pretty confined space...prolly 2x2 floor space, and then about 3.5 feet tall. I have a divider in there now, but as the plants grow I can raise or lower the divider. I'm running the lights 12/12 their whole lives to keep them down. I AM planning on growing some clones once...