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  1. GKID69

    Checking the trichs!

    HOW About just a store i can drive to and grab it? any Ideas?
  2. GKID69

    n00b here close to Chopping! Help me out

    lol my bad Just makin sure bc Ill be Chopping soon :D
  3. GKID69

    n00b here close to Chopping! Help me out

    In ur opinion how would you check for 60-65% humidity in the jar? a Regular Temp and Humidity meter?
  4. GKID69

    n00b here close to Chopping! Help me out

    So ur telling me when im done chopping off all leaves and im ready to hang and dry i SHOULD NOT have a fan blowing on the buds?
  5. GKID69

    Checking the trichs!

    So i wanna grab a Scope or a J Loop to check the Trichs. Where do u recommend i go for a decent tool for a decent price. nothing above 20$ lmao
  6. GKID69

    GTA V Online Crews

    Obti hmu... ;d
  7. GKID69

    n00b here close to Chopping! Help me out

    Ok so anyone that has gone through this Harvesting/Curing process tell me if ive got this pretty much down. 1. Chop down ur plant into manageable sizes. 2. Snip away all leaves. You can save the ones coated in Trichs for Hash or whatever. 3. Once you have snipped away all leaves time to hang...
  8. GKID69

    Label's first grow, L. Kush and C. Candy

    thats fresh :D
  9. GKID69

    How much longer are we thinking? Check her out :)

    :leaf: 50 + days into flower how much longer we thinking :leaf:
  10. GKID69

    1 week into flowering. I need advice.

    Keep ur fan going 24/7 just my opinion. Also get more lights 2 23w CFLS is nothing at all... especially for 2 plants.. Water only when u feel its Necessary.. Start adding Nutes in 1 more week and start from a 1/4 dosage.
  11. GKID69

    when should i start to flush in flower?

    Lemon Kush is what im growing. I heard 8-9 Weeks is the ideal flowering time. Soil. If not 50 very close to 50 days. Dont know if Sativa or Indica (am dumb) Trichs looks pretty clear still to my Eye. Im flushing with just Pure filtered Water.
  12. GKID69

    when should i start to flush in flower?

    im about 50+ days into flower should i start to only water now?
  13. GKID69

    Lemon ku$h :D

  14. GKID69

    Lemon ku$h :D

    thanks man :D how much longer do u think i got till i can chop her down?
  15. GKID69

    In your opinion how much longer till i can Cut er Dwn?

    Check her out :D im thinking like 2 more weeks what cha thinking?
  16. GKID69

    Lemon ku$h :D

    last week was Actually 6 weeks in now were in the actual 7th week :D sorry bout that
  17. GKID69

    when do u start counting down the weeks for flowering?

    thanks again. :bigjoint:
  18. GKID69

    Why are my Flowering Fan leaves yellowing?

    why the last 2 weeks do u stop feeding it any nutes?
  19. GKID69

    How does my plant look and what are these things on it?? pics included

    if i were u id Top maybe LST something Fairly easy to start off with. But seeing as ur plant is only 9 inches id at least try for 12 and then flip over to 12/12 but thats just me
  20. GKID69

    when do u start counting down the weeks for flowering?

    I mean i flipped my baby girl around Oct 10 2013 but she didnt show Sex for like 2 weeks almost so idk where my plant would be right now. Im assuming something like 7 weeks into flowering right?