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  1. K

    Possible sex outcomes from a hermi?

    Obviously I realize that hermi seeds will produce more hermi's.. but is there still the possibility that it could produce a full female?
  2. K

    Homemade Cool Tube Cab

    Awesome box man.. very nice setup.. that will be my eventual upgrade template now. You basically have the super beefed up version of my current grow... I'll consider mine the baby version of yours. Made out of cardboard and a 150w instead ;) I'd love 430 watts.. gah.. that'd make some sick...
  3. K

    Security question: electricity usage pattern?

    Been thinking about this for a while.. what if you have two seperate flowering rooms on exact opposite 12/12 schedules.. the moment one turns off the other is always flipping on? Constant average pwr usage?? or am i missing something here.. Just veg under some T5's or something and then throw...
  4. K

    The Attitude Seedbank

    Thought I'd chime in on these guys.. I have ordered from them 4 times now. My first order came up as delivered 5 days after I ordered.. I walk out to my mailbox (within 2 hours of the delivery report online) and there is no package. I just straight up called attitude from oversea's (texas) and...
  5. K

    Police at my door just a few hours ago .. OMG

    I don't open the door period.. if they want it they are going to have to bust the fucking thing down. I can see who's there -.-
  6. K

    My story of growing Ata Tundra plant :)

    Nice dude lookin great.. glad to see they are so healthy, I just ordered 10 of these babies. Wanted a good yield indica that was hardy.
  7. K

    Compare Ambien to LSD and Mushrooms and Cough Syrup

    Yea umm... the ambien part it sounds like you just made it up as you were typing. Ambien actually binds to a neuron receptor called the GABA receptor and inhibits the neuronal firing.. causing sedation. Basically it makes it easier for the mind to pass between completely awake mode and slow...
  8. K

    Compare Ambien to LSD and Mushrooms and Cough Syrup

    I can vouch for that.. I've done it many times, its not really an overall enjoyable experience.. more of just weird. Did a lot of experimenting with it with lots of witnesses to tell me what went on. Used to get plastered while playing counterstrike on ventrilo with friends.. they'd fill me in...
  9. K

    Fox Farm Nutrient Users - Feeding Schedule

    First time i used fox farm i had just the grow big and then tiger bloom for flowering.. developed a potassium deficiency at the very very end (duh.. no big bloom). So basically yea, do exactly as this guy said and you should do perfectly. I still had nice buds even with the shortage of K, just...
  10. K

    10,000 Watt Grow.........

    Don't think anyone was being racist dude.. I'd hit that shit :blsmoke: Back to 10k watts.. pics?? :mrgreen:
  11. K

    Lowryder 1st Grow

    Hey those look pretty good man.. nirvana short rider right? I just ordered 10 of those to try out an autoflower for the first time. Glad to see they put out quite a bit! I was going to use them to see what my best yielding setup was then move on to all the rest I bought.. diesel ryder auto's...
  12. K

    Miracle Gro Organic

    DUMP IT AND FIND SOMETHING ELSE. I chunked 6 aurora indica's because of 3 different sets of bugs that came with that shit.. HOWEVER, i am building a house out in the country right now.. so im thinking of buying another few bags of this stuff so that i can just get the main support beams for the...
  13. K

    Help with Blackmail! big time!!

    I'll second the fuck out of that.. dude if you are legal, walk out your front door right now and head to the police station.