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  1. converseking

    what do you think? see any problems?

    im going to be starting a soil grow soon i was gonna go DWC but i'll go soil for now(my first grow)and see how well i do then go hydro. i want to grow 4-6 plants from seeds in a 2x3' closet under a 400watt hps aircooled light with a fan or two to keep the temp under controll using foxfam's ocean...
  2. converseking

    Seeds that give biggest yield but is a small plant?

    i'd say go with big bud not to strong put a high yield but thats jus me
  3. converseking

    400watt 4x4 grow tent DWC grow

    what do u mean? what wrong with them? what makes a dark room so much better? maybe your right about the soil grow but im really in2 hydro and would like to go that way even for my first grow. what did your friends get in dryed product after their first 6 plant DWC grow?
  4. converseking

    400watt 4x4 grow tent DWC grow

    how well do u think it'll go if i skip he 600 watt hps and jus go for a 1000 with 16 plants? i hear 1000watts is jus right for a 4x4 space. and what do you think about areoponice hydro systems? i was thinking of gettin (2) 8 plants systems instead of the DWC's and puttin them in a 4x4 grow tent...
  5. converseking

    400watt 4x4 grow tent DWC grow

    i was saying that i would use clones but i'll have to start mum's from seeds first. so would that be good for the (2) 6 plant DWC's? and do u think it'll be better if i go with more light like say 1000watt hps?
  6. converseking

    16 plant 4x4 hydro grow

    thanks i guess i'll go with the 1000 watt hps and cute down to 8 plants per 4x4 space and see how that goes. how much dryed product per plant do you get with your 11 plants? and why do you say that i'd only get 1/2 oz per with 16 plants and 2-3 oz's per with only 8 plants? what does the amount...
  7. converseking

    16 plant 4x4 hydro grow

    what about 12 plants? how do u think that'll do? and should i go with the 1000 watt hps or the (2) 600 watt hps to get the max out of the plants?
  8. converseking

    16 plant 4x4 hydro grow

    ok i was thinking of useing a 4x4 grow tent to grow 16 plant sog style ( 2 aeroponic system 8 plants each with 20 gal res's that will take up a 3x4 space side by side) with 1000 or (2) 6000watt hsp lights. witch lights would be better for this size room and set up? i will be using m-39( i heard...
  9. converseking

    Mother Plants

    yea i've got seeds(m39) from out side the conutry and i got them with no problem in a plan brown box and months later im still not in jail lol
  10. converseking

    400watt 4x4 grow tent DWC grow

    i dont have any clones so i have to start with seeds what would be wrong with the roots starting from seeds?
  11. converseking

    400watt 4x4 grow tent DWC grow

    no not yet but i was going to soon. should i go bigger?
  12. converseking

    400watt 4x4 grow tent DWC grow

    ok im thiking of setting up my first grow room in a 4x4 htg grow text with a 400 watt hps and 2 DWC's 6 plants( each with 20-30 gal res) each for a total of 12 plants. and having a few mum's (witch i will start from seeds) under flo lighting to take cutting's from. 4x4 2bulb flo's but im thinkin...
  13. converseking

    witch is better

    witch is better? i keep reading about ppl talking bout dank is that just really good weed or wat? and also witch is better kush,purps, or dro? and is big bud mid or low grade weed?
  14. converseking

    Hey, What's Up

    im 18 and i've just now really got n2 the idea of growing im nt that much of a smoker but hopefully my growing will change that lol i'v been doin ALOT of searching on the web 4 n4 on growing( mostly hydro) i think i've got the hang of it all it was a shock 2 no how much goes n2 a good crop but i...