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  1. cheese

    dealing/selling at raves

    i go 2 alot of raves and weed isnt the best thing 2 have, you stink and weed is alot stronger than it used 2 be (well i dont know, that was before my time! im not a child just a young adult!) people go 2 raves 2 have fun, although weed is fun it isnt the best for raves/gigs. so if u were me...
  2. cheese

    asian fantasy

    it is a no longer strain, the grower killed it off and he/she refused 2 give a cuting 2 anyone else or give it 2 a seed bank 2 grow it propely! so sad........'moment of silence' have a look at this link i found, it has some more info about this strain: asian fantasy??? - 420 Magazine hope...
  3. cheese

    asian fantasy

    have you ever though of growning cheese
  4. cheese

    Help Needed! Help

    i dont know much about hydo....well hardly anything, but if you plants are still looking good and healthy then i wouldnt much at all, if it was me i would keep on going with what your doing, if you put the nuts in a week late i dont think i would effect the plants 2 much, maybe do everything and...
  5. cheese

    Lowryder 2 hybrids

    i know this is way off the topic....but i love the picture KingOfBud, and frostythesnowthug! hahahahaha i love it! what a great name.
  6. cheese

    First indoor speaker grow

    lowryders are great 2 grow, there small and bushy....only growing 2 about 12inch(the same size as them amsterdam papers!) there auto flowering so if grown properly they can be harvest after 2/3 months! :peace:
  7. cheese

    Opium poppy

    haha! ok so your all wanting 2 know how 2 make heroin, codeine and other shit wel this is the site i always use it also has other goodys on it! How to make ... please remember it is only for information, not 2 be tested!....although could you resist having a go?..i let you decide! :peace:
  8. cheese

    Lowryder 2 hybrids

    if its the way i think your on about your SICK! :spew: haha! Sorry everyone i havent been on riu for a while! been having some trouble with the old bill; i dont mined what they do but i think they always blow things out of proportion...but that is another story. I have been reading though the...
  9. cheese


    sweet idea man, puts some presents under it aswell! lol :peace:
  10. cheese

    what is lowryder like to grow/smoke?

    ye put some pics up dude! what light, how much, what nuts (if u used any)? :peace:
  11. cheese

    Opium poppy

    in england the opium poppy is legal, but opium is illegal....if u use opium it cannot be detected in drug tests, unless it is an opium drug test but even then it is not acurate as you can eat a poppy seed and it will come up in the drug test as opium, therefor it is very very rare they test you...
  12. cheese

    Why do people think so little of smokers?

    ye i can have a couple of strong bongs and go to work at 3 and do a 9h sift and finish about midnight, (i dont drive there if i have had weed i get the bus, taxi or lift sometimes i walk, walking makes me feel realy happy when stoned as i c the world differently) i work flat out, but the stoned...
  13. cheese

    Contest entry:Partner in Crime

    haha they do look the same!
  14. cheese

    First indoor speaker grow

    ye, like blue streak, there is loads, they have gota be 1 of the best
  15. cheese

    First indoor speaker grow

    grow lowryder
  16. cheese


    i was planning on using LEDs but would they realy work?
  17. cheese

    First indoor speaker grow

    grow lowryder or lowryder#2, they can grow in any condition, and grow to 30cm(not including pot) they piss easy to grow about 1oz per plant and there auto-flowering so they only take 8weeks from seed to harvest! great first timers or for sog, lowryder#2 is better than the first, it can get up 2...
  18. cheese

    I dream of getting busted

    true true :D
  19. cheese

    Why do people think so little of smokers?

    that is so true!! i would rather smoke herb than go out, get pissed as a fart, and end up being stabed.... i dont mined the odd beer every now an then, but i rearly drink, mother nature created this plant, y is it so illegal to use it? i can understand the other illegals like acid and coke...
  20. cheese

    Why do people think so little of smokers?

    couldnt of sed it better myself