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  1. O

    First Time Drip system... PLZ HELP

    Also....just a suggestion. Ditch the house plants, imho you are just asking for insect problems with random tropicals in your op.;-)
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    First Time Drip system... PLZ HELP

    Mums in the first pic on drip.......396gph pump......lights on 24/7......pump runs for 15 minutes every 3 hours but I use Rapid Rooters and Hydroton. Last 2 pics are Tray#1 in flower, 5 waterings a day during the 12 hour lights on period. 7, 9:30, 12, 2:30, 5:30--15 minutes each time Your...
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    Drip System Help PLEASE!!

    How many emitters/feeder tubes? Not more than 100 or so then a 396gph pump from your local hydro shop will do......25-30 usd
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    help wit dwc...question:

    whoa no peat in hydro....unless you are referring to the starter plugs of course....just not those peat pucks from the Home Depot. In DWC you will use a net pot instaed of the one I am about to show you.....fill your water till it comes up to the bottom of your net pot or maybe a cm or 2...
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    URGENT! Plants turning yellow (Aerogarden)

    pics would be a huge help......all yellow, new growth yellow, old growth yellow, necrotic yellow spotting?? Be glad to help with more info. For now you have done the right thing...and yes use proper hydro nutes and bin the aero-tabs.
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    Trichomes cloudy time to harvest?

    Makes me feel warm and fuzzy to see fdd pass along the same info:hump:
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    Trichomes cloudy time to harvest?

    If the trichs with a head on the stalk are cloudy....particularly if the head itself is vcloudy and none of these heads are starting to go amber you may want to wait. I look for a heavy couchlock from my skunk and harvest when all heads are cloudy (none clear, none amber). And this creates a...
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    HELP - first time grower needs help!

    Lets start by addressing a couple things.... 1.No worries on the roots....the little brown tips is just the air/light pruning occuring naturally as they are exposed to, well....air and light.....this is probably being exaccerbated by overwatering--and IMO you probably need to ratchet that...
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    Old in the Way-First Grow Journal

    This is for a 70 gallon res.... Tray 1--Day1-20 400ml ea part A & B DutchMaster Gold Flower 40grams Epsom Salts 32.5 grams Big Bud 0-15-40 (PK Boost) 400ml Cal Mag Plus 400ml 35% h2o2 500 ml Fulvic Acid (don't know if this does anything--supposedly a "chelate" or carrier mineral which...
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    Old in the Way-First Grow Journal

    Aww man, sorry, must have missed that one......I water 4x/day-15 minutes each.....freeflow from feeder thats about the same wet period as a 4-5 minute fill and 8 minute need to water at night (mr 80% mine do fine all night (6:00pm last watering bfore...
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    Hydro Flushing?

    Don't forget it can be medium specific.....if your medium retains water then it will require a longer flush than one that doesn't :leaf: Also nute specific, or so it seems. Some manufactureres recommend it while others do NewGrowth said-if your not overfeeding it won't take long...
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    4000W Grow Room Set-up

    Dang, page 9 I found this on.....better post some pics so it doesnt look like I am just bumping my thread........did I say that out loud?:o
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    Need some ideas on hidden door

    You figure this out all by yourself......the dog and the handlers will have to deal with my 4th ammendment right....and if they have already gotten by that---well, then a false wall isn't going to help anyway. :joint:
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    SOG growers wanted !!!

    If he isn't, I am:shock: Yep....what he said.....but just an FYI...... adding Epsom Salts to the res will prevent Mg Deficiency..... to cure an existing deficiency you need to foliar feed with an h2o and Epsom Salt Mix....1 tsp/gallon ought to do the trick......pull it out from under the...
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    plant showing signs of sex in veg...

    visible preflowers after a plant reaches sexual maturity is normal, males can be destroyed if you are certain of the sex....females can be cloned, flowered or vegged to the desired size at this or any point really
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    Scrog, have the area need some suggestions

    HPS is a form of HID--high intensity discharge lights-HPS, MH, Merc Vapor.....those:blsmoke: but no worries the acronyms get to be a bit much :peace:
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    Need some ideas on hidden door

    you just reply to threads without looking at the posts....can't you see Edmund, Aslan and Peter in my second pic....:lol:
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    Buying lights

    Yes you will be fine, check the company out to make sure it does arrive in plain packaging with a parent company name or acronym in the return address location and not "Big Buds Hydro Superstore" stamped all over the box...... there are to many legitimate uses for such equipment to use every...
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    help calculate good area

    your right lumens is how light is measured....for humans The human eye has a peak sensitivity in the yellow-green region, around 550 nanometers. This is the "optic yellow" colour used for highly visible signs and objects. Plants, on the other hand, respond more effectively to red light and to...
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    Can i HPS bulb be used in a Mercury Vapor fixture...

    no...your instincts were right, lamps are specific to ballast/fixture