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  1. nobustincaps

    Entering the Growroom at lightsout

    Yes, thats percisely it.
  2. nobustincaps

    Entering the Growroom at lightsout

    Anybody wanna contest this? If not, i guess im gonna go with green, and if i fuck up, my bad.
  3. nobustincaps

    Entering the Growroom at lightsout

    lol, I'm sure that im not the first with this dillemah, i tried googling the matter and all i found was a few things that say plants reflect green light. i never found any definitive answer as to if it will affect my plants or not. So i turned to RIU and now im getting two sides of the story. Is...
  4. nobustincaps

    Entering the Growroom at lightsout

    changing my light scheduel is not the answer to my question, sorry. I was simply wandering is there any kind of light i can leave on in the room during the flowering process, you know, some kind of light that will not affect the plants?
  5. nobustincaps

    Entering the Growroom at lightsout

    I cannot plan my work scheduel around the lighting scheduel, im usually either alseep or at work. so a green cfl should work?
  6. nobustincaps

    Entering the Growroom at lightsout

    Is there any kind of light i can use to get into the grow room when the lights are out? I've read that a green cfl would do the job (The green incandescents often show light through cracks in the green coloring) and i'd prefer not to use a colored LED either, i'd like enough light to definately...
  7. nobustincaps

    Flowering Smell Control?

    Well thanks guys, i appreciate the help. I've got a gertens by my house, ill get over there sometime closer to spring, Theres a dro shop in the cities too. One of them i assume will have what i need, i think gertens does everything from commercial landscape planting to indoor gardens. we'll see.
  8. nobustincaps

    Flowering Smell Control?

    im not necessarily saying to slow the evaporation but to make it so that i do not have to replace the source of ONA as often as "a couple days" i want to load up this bucket contraption and make it so that i dont have to replace the ona mixture for about a week.
  9. nobustincaps

    Flowering Smell Control?

    That makes sense, so what if i wanted to make a mixture still using the soil moist to soak up and ohld mos of the ONA volume? is there a powder or a concentrate?
  10. nobustincaps

    Flowering Smell Control?

    So, is this contraption known to work? I just wanna know if i destroyed a fan for no reason.
  11. nobustincaps

    Flowering Smell Control?

    Is the gel going to be the kind of ONA i should use? or should i use a liquid concentrate? Do they make powders?
  12. nobustincaps

    Flowering Smell Control?

    <(-.-<) Bump. (>-.-)>
  13. nobustincaps

    Flowering Smell Control?

    I stumbled upon something that i made a while ago and apparently gave up, i just pulled it out of my closet. Here is what it looks like: I DID NOT come up with the idea on my own, i saw it here: I was just wandering, Would this work...
  14. nobustincaps

    2nd CFL Grow

    I mixed my own, that is simply top soil, when i start veg i use 1/3 perilite, peat, and black potting soil. what you are seeing is black top soil that i added today to burry the plant to the leaves (notice the different soil levels). And i do know that i will need at least double my output to...
  15. nobustincaps

    2nd CFL Grow

    Ill just give you the last picture taken before she got stolen. Before the outdoor heist. In the five Gallon. (Just before the plant was taken outside to flower, real small pic) I ended up having to move the plant outside eventually, cause i ran out of room to flower inside, eventually...
  16. nobustincaps

    2nd CFL Grow

    Hello, I'm sure the title says enough, questions or comments, lay em on me. The Setup (After Germination) The First to pop out The Second to pop up Plant 1 Plant 2 Thats all i have for now, the last pictures were literally like twenty minutes ago, I'm sorry about the focus, i...
  17. nobustincaps

    vegan pot?

    So i was just toking wiht a few buddies, and the subject of me being a vegetarian was brought up. Someone asked me if a vegan would smoke pot that was fertilized with fishmeal or bonemeal. i simply didnt know how to answer the question. lolz
  18. nobustincaps

    Flowering Smell Control?

    an ozone generator? is that the same as a negative ion generator(positive odor ions attach to negative ions the generator makes to eliminate odor)?
  19. nobustincaps

    Flowering Smell Control?

    Forget it. I'll find a different place to flower.
  20. nobustincaps

    Flowering Smell Control?

    okay, Its always good to have a backup plan, anyone else?