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  1. hillbillybobb

    IS this even possible?

    thought that said lb's. im having a silver haze moment haha
  2. hillbillybobb

    IS this even possible?

    6+ oz per plant. that sounds very odd for 5 plants that werent fed or watered all year. what strain was it and what kind of soil did you use?
  3. hillbillybobb

    IS this even possible?

    this is true. " They ARE weeds after all; a very vigorous plant. It does depend on your climate but these plants existed long before humans gave them any help so a couple of your babes should make it through. " however i dont think cavemen understood n-p-k nor did they grow 1 pound plants. i...
  4. hillbillybobb

    IS this even possible?

    chicken wire wont protect your plants from insects of fungus. your water table will not provide n-p-k and i gotta tell you that 3 years ago i did a grow with 15 plants, 12 were harvested and i use to go water them, feed them lightly twice a month, and staked them when they got big and i got 2-5...
  5. hillbillybobb

    how common is it...

    no fencing at all. and yes these methods helped tremedously with insects. i would be careful if you decide to use the neem or oil based soaps / products. you have to apply them and let them dry before intense sunlight hit them or scorch. i usually plan my trips to the patch and go in the evening...
  6. hillbillybobb

    Does anyone in the Bay Area have subcool's super soil mix?

    you dont need much space or sunshine. mix it in totes in your basement and put the lid on it. you can make 1/2 , 1/4, or 1/8 batches . all you need is a calculator.
  7. hillbillybobb

    Helping seedlings survive first two weeks . .

    check this out. the base mix # 1 or # 2 are great. use the worm castings if possible. if you have to use manure make sure it is composted and let your mix sit awhile. i personally would use worm castings first, compost second choice...
  8. hillbillybobb

    how common is it...

    it is very possible. last year i had 30 plants at a spot where i hunt in the fall. i lost 2 plants, one dug up , one to bad weather and thats it. i also had 20 plants in the forest and lost none to animals or rodents. insects however can be a problem especially in the forest. neem oil a few...
  9. hillbillybobb

    IS this even possible?

    im not saying if you put a plant in the ground and you never come back to check on it that the plant will die , but the odds of you putting some plants outside in may or so and coming back to harvest buds in september to october is probably not realistic. there are more factors to growing than...
  10. hillbillybobb

    Plans for First Grow

    80/20 would be fine. if you start your seedlings/ cuttings in light warrior and grow them out until a good rootball is developed, you can just use 100% ffof no problem. when i used fox farms thats what i did and never had any problems. for the size of the hole not sure. i always just eyeball to...
  11. hillbillybobb

    Plans for First Grow

    i have a soil thread here i mix my 50/50 compost peat mix the same way i do in the thread with a 3qt bowl and add 1cup of lime per cubic foot. you can add dry fertilizer or plant starter per manufacturer directions...
  12. hillbillybobb

    Plans for First Grow

    if you arent planning on moving your plants from their location i would use burlap bags or smartpots. burlap is gonna be way cheaper and burlap will act as a water wick. you can also bury the burlap and the plants roots can grow through the bag if need be. consider mixing your own soil and spend...
  13. hillbillybobb

    Fist Guerilla Grow-Need Advice

    with the burlap you can bury it in the ground so you dont have to amend and if the plants root system needs to expand it will do so right through the burlap. this also is a good way to reserve water because the burlap acts as a water wick. with a plastic grow bag or container you should use...
  14. hillbillybobb

    Fist Guerilla Grow-Need Advice

    what i was trying to say earlier was i mix the 50/50 peat & compost the same way as i would for the mix on the thread meaning i would use a 3qt. bowl, put 5 bowls of peat & 5 bowls of compost together to make 1 cubic foot of soil. then i would add 1 cup of lime and the other additives to each...
  15. hillbillybobb

    Fist Guerilla Grow-Need Advice

    hey dude i think you got a little confused about the mix. the soil mix that your referring to is a regular base mix with no added fertilizer. this is what i would use for cuttings or seedlings. the different veg and flowering mixes are fertilizers. the fertilizer options are what you would use...
  16. hillbillybobb

    kandy kush seedling

    ill smoke to that
  17. hillbillybobb

    kandy kush seedling

    since you wanna get technical the guy who made the soil mix said 30 days depending on the growth habits and rate of growth. Some plants are heavier feeders than others such as tomatoes. This does not mean that an additional boost of fertilizer during the time of planting will burn or hurt the...
  18. hillbillybobb

    kandy kush seedling

    hey mother how would you suggest testing the soil accurately? i never really ran into this problem because the soil mix i always use is buffered and i go start to finish with 6.5 adjusted water & ferts.
  19. hillbillybobb

    kandy kush seedling

    so you can look at soil and determine its ph?
  20. hillbillybobb

    G 13 blueberrygum

    bumpity bump bump bump