Search results

  1. hillbillybobb

    Fist Guerilla Grow-Need Advice

    definitely mix your own and amend the soil with your mix. i use a 50/50 mix of peat moss and compost with dolomite lime. check this soil thread out. i found a soil mix recipe at another forum and posted it here along with what i use...
  2. hillbillybobb

    is this big enough??

    you should be able to flower in that. just wouldnt veg no more than 30 days in it or could end up rootbound.
  3. hillbillybobb

    G 13 blueberry gum

    thats what i thought. they already took the money out so well see if they send them or not.
  4. hillbillybobb

    G 13 blueberry gum

    thank you i definitely will post pics and germ rates
  5. hillbillybobb

    G 13 blueberrygum

    im hoping the same thing
  6. hillbillybobb

    G 13 blueberrygum

    whats up everyone. just wanted to let anyone who is interested know that attitude is selling 5 feminized blueberrygum seeds for $18.52 usd. thats right $18.52. not sure if it is some sort of error or promotion but its a real thing. i just ordered 10 packs and it processed my order so get em why...
  7. hillbillybobb

    G 13 blueberry gum

    whats up everyone. just wanted to let anyone who is interested know that attitude is selling 5 feminized blueberrygum seeds for $18.52 usd. thats right $18.52. not sure if it is some sort of error or promotion but its a real thing. i just ordered 10 packs and it processed my order so get em why...
  8. hillbillybobb

    G 13 Blueberry Gum

    whats up everyone. just wanted to let anyone who is interested know that attitude is selling 5 feminized blueberrygum seeds for $18.52 usd. thats right $18.52. not sure if it is some sort of error or promotion but its a real thing. i just ordered 10 packs and it processed my order so get em why...
  9. hillbillybobb

    Any Suggestion?

    yes i have many times. attitude is one of the best seed banks in my opinion. everytime i order i get my order in about 6-8 days. not bad from the uk to NE US. everything i ever ordered is what it said it was. the main thing you should do is get farmiliar with who makes quality genetics and...
  10. hillbillybobb

    coir or peat jiffy pucks???

    i agree. rapid rooters are the best IMO. jiffy peat pots definitely work but ph is very low and they sometimes hold too much water causing mold. go with rapid rooters you wont be sorry.
  11. hillbillybobb

    IS this even possible?

    as for soil i have a thread here with a soil recipe i found on another forum. i use the base mix with no fertilizer for seedlings and cuttings and for outdoors i use 50/50 peat moss, compost. i mix with a 3qt bowl...
  12. hillbillybobb

    IS this even possible?

    i think your fantasizing dude. you can get away without visiting very frequent but your plants are gonna need your assistance through the year for sure. you gotta think that the first few weeks after you put your plants outside insects and rodents will threaten your plants existance...
  13. hillbillybobb

    In need of advice

    big bloom isnt really flower food. its more of a supplement for plants. npk is less than 1-1-1 for big bloom. you should use tiger bloom in conjunction with big bloom.
  14. hillbillybobb

    kandy kush seedling

    well it doesnt seem like it was the ph. my runoff was 6.4. i fed my plant 1/2 strength fish ferts and a dose of big bloom and in two days it turned around. looks like dr earth potting soil doesnt feed for very long. i have since then topped it and this morning repotted it. i didnt think to take...
  15. hillbillybobb

    600w best yield technique

    if i were you i would seriously consider using subcools supersoil. also top and train into a bush for max yeild. check out his section and look at some pics and his topping techniques. 6 large plants could be grown in 7 gallon containers and turned into she beasts. i would use 7 gallon pots to...
  16. hillbillybobb

    My Seeds Won't Sprout.

    it sounds like your doing just about everything right. what strain did you get and what seed company? i gotta tell ya that i think the paper towel method is unnecessary to germinate seeds. dont take that the wrong way as i mean no disrespect to you personally, but i think that things should be a...
  17. hillbillybobb

    Worm Castings as Orgsnic Fertilizer

    good deal. recipe # 3 seems to be good the way it is. i know a few people at a different forum that use it as it reads and claim good results. definitely let us know, im tuned in
  18. hillbillybobb

    new sprouts and

    why risk it if you dont know. if you want to give it a boost try big bloom or a similar product. very hard to overfeed with big bloom. aquarium water just seems like there are to many unknowns.
  19. hillbillybobb

    Going to try my first grow

    it will for 2 plants but your buds probably wont be as dense. i have a 2x4 tent and flowered 6 plants with 2- 90w led's. the yeild was ok, i averaged about .75 - 1 oz per plant. little more on one plant. with my hps i can 2oz a plant no problem. LED's dont have the light penetration hid's have...
  20. hillbillybobb

    Worm Castings as Orgsnic Fertilizer

    whats up young. md boy myself. im venturing into teas myself. i used the tea recipe thats listed on a soil thread i started. i found a soilless mix recipe with different fertilizer options, tea being one of them , and ive used it twice. seems like its working well. here is the thread...