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  1. R

    for those of you who plays an instrument...

    I play guitar, drums, bass, and piano..there's no difference between the way I play high vs.sober.. ..but when I'm tripping I note a large difference for the better in my playing..
  2. R

    Talk Metal
  3. R

    Anyone Song That Gets You Strangely Absorbed When You're High?

    tool- 10,000 days (wings pt 2)
  4. R

    Talk Metal

    No Emo shit, no panzies, no hardcore dancing (you look like an idiot), no punk rocking (shouting requires minimal effort). This thread is for metal fans that of Whitechapel, Meshuggah, Acacia Strain, TTEOTD, The Faceless, ect..ect.. you know, the music that makes you want to fight bears...
  5. R


    Metallica is good, but theres no way in hell i could listen to their entire discography in one sitting like i could tool or alice in chains.. btw tool makes some of the best music to trip to.. especially lateralus
  6. R


    In my opinion one of the greatest bands of our time.. discuss
  7. R

    What is your faith, path or belief?

    I didnt fall on relativism; everything i posted was dependant on the elements of my previous posts. There were no flaws if you read carefully.. dont want any beef, just saying
  8. R

    What is your faith, path or belief?

    Anyone's individual idea of perfection is "perfect" to them. One could say that everything is perfect in that it is imperfect(refer to above). Thats what the fuck ive been trying to say..please ignore your obligation to attempt to find flaw in what i post just because you dont get it- maybe...
  9. R

    Leary Bicuits!

    Anyone heard of Leary Biscuits? take about a bowlpack and put it on a cracker then put cheese over the weed.. the fat in the cheese absorbs the thc..
  10. R

    No god and no jesus

    You only watched 5 minutes? Dont judge a book by its cover.. The message in the first part of the video pertains to the previous posts thats why i mentioned it.. if you dont want to watch it, fine but dont bash it if you havent seen it- thats stupid.
  11. R

    What is your faith, path or belief?

    I never said that nothing is perfect..the very idea of perfection (whether or not that pertains to the idea of god is up to you) that we all have innately stuck in our heads is perfect to each of us..If we recognize something as imperfect, we back it up with some reason- that reason being the...
  12. R

    Any other Unitarian Universalits out there?

    Since everyone interperets and puts information together differently, a group of people reading a book like the bible will result in many differences instead of bringing about something that can be shared and fully understood among the group. Why is it so difficult for people to collectively...
  13. R

    What is your faith, path or belief?

    What about the idea of perfection in what is imperfect? If we were all perfect, none of us could grasp the idea of perfection because there wouldnt be any imperfections to define perfection by contrast; therefore our perfection would go unrecognized and become meaningless in that there would be...
  14. R

    You're attitude is why I hate people.
  15. R

    Personally I could give less of a shit about the second half of the video because I've lost most of what little hope there is to hold for humanity as a whole. The way government is contructed doesn't help. ..I just think that it is important that people do not subject themselves to biased...
  16. R

    What's your theory of life, the Universe and everything...

    does anyone have any extra time? Ill take it off of your hands to make up for what I wasted reading most of these posts...
  17. R

    word..didnt mean to copy your post haha but i never saw it..there are always new people on here anyhow, and they need the oppourtunity to see it really is an important thing for someone to experience, especially if theyve never thought through the lies
  18. R

    Utilitarian Existentialism: It's My Thing : )

    I want to start by stating that I am an antagonist to religion. In my opinion, religion is for the mentally weak. There is no such thing as 'right' and 'wrong'. There is no such thing as 'good' and 'bad'. There is no such thing as 'normal'. There is only perception. $ Religion $-...