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  1. R I believe everyone should take time out of their day to watch this video...if you dont, I It is worth it, but you must keep an open mind. I've seen people refuse to watch it because they are too fragile (too religious).
  2. R

    No god and no jesus PLEASE WATCH THIS
  3. R

    What is your faith, path or belief?

    There is no such thing as 'right' and 'wrong'. There is no such thing as 'good' and 'bad'. There is no such thing as 'normal'. There is only perception. $ Religion $- It has served its purpose for advocating --even increasing-- the functionality of our society by MASKING the fact that we...
  4. R

    Christianity has been debunked once and for all

    There is only perception. $ Religion $- It has served its purpose for advocating --even increasing-- the functionality of our society by MASKING the fact that we do not know what, who, why, where, or even when we are. The mask provided is that of DECEPTION-- they claim to know the origin and...
  5. R

    Will the real LSD-25 stand up? ! ?

    Anyone in the midwest? It's dry- BP me w/ email?
  6. R

    Has anyone here done DMT?

    ...there's no such thing a definite answer :)
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    2C-B, 2C-E, Nexxus

  8. R

    Oh my lord. I did dmt...out to space

    ..dmt isnt like robotripping dude..dextromethorphan (dxm) in robotussin is robotrippin haha and theres a heelll of a difference
  9. R

    Oh my lord. I did dmt...out to space

    From what I hear it is very hard to come by if you can't already get it. One of my friends told me it's fairly easy to get in Savannah GA, but here in the north I've only been able to find it once, excluding my own extractions. Ive written a research paper on this drug- It is fucking...
  10. R

    Acid Flashbacks and Back Cracking

    Yeah...I've eaten/dropped over a thousand doses..and the back/neck cracking flashbacks are a might get extended trails or space out and shift consciousness, but that happens everyday to me without cracking anything. Real flashbacks are fucking insane- about every two months I get one...
  11. R

    Oh my lord. I did dmt...out to space

    it's a drug.. there are two types- 5-methyl DMT, and nn-DMT it can be ingested orally or only lasts for 5-15 minutes if smoked comsumers are able to recollect more of the experience if's like a dream 5-methyl DMT provides a simillar experience to nn-DMT, but with out...
  12. R

    Finally tried X for my first time and.....

    I'm glad you liked your experience, but definately be sure to be careful-the after effects of x fuck with the brain on a very serious scale..chronic use of ecstasy hinders your brain's ability to intereperet and filter information more so than any other psychedelic in my opinion, x isn't worth...
  13. R

    Oh my lord. I did dmt...out to space

    dmt can be extracted from accacia bark among other things...if you have a basic chemist setup you can do it yourself
  14. R

    marijuana halucinations?

    Have you done any psychedelics? THC is known to cause flashbacks...everytime I smoke I trip to some degree..that includes aural and perceptory hallucinations
  15. R

    Oh my lord. I did dmt...out to space

    dmt is you know what it is? nn-DMT is produced naturally in the brain during REM sleep and at human death..