Oh my lord. I did dmt...out to space


Well-Known Member
Wow i smoked some shit called dmt and it sent my ass to space...........i swear i left my body. The only reason i came back was i was scared that one of my friends was gonna die on it....holycrap that was crazy


Active Member
it's a drug..

there are two types- 5-methyl DMT, and nn-DMT
it can be ingested orally or smoked..it only lasts for 5-15 minutes if smoked

comsumers are able to recollect more of the experience if smoked..it's like a dream

5-methyl DMT provides a simillar experience to nn-DMT, but with out extreme visual hallucinations


Well-Known Member

tell us more

Heard of this shit but never seen it out on the streets or heard of anyone ever havin it


Well-Known Member
I went into the arboretum with four friends. A friend of mine got this two gram baggy of powder from the internet. He was like hey i gut this shit thats like acid times ten. Wanna try it? I was like sure so i put like litterally the amount of a match head on a bowl and i lit it.........this is no lie. By the time i started to let out the smoke i left my body. I was looking down at my friends and i was standing there just staring into space, so i turned and looked up at the sky to see what " i , outside my body" was looking at. And from one end of the horizon shiney diamond like lights started to fill the sky till the entire sky was full of them. I mean the whole world had a shine...i was litterally next to mysself looking at myself, then to the sky, then at myself, then at the sky....wow it was intense...then i heard a voice that said its time to go back. And then i heard my friend start puking and rolling on the ground, i was starting to think oh no mabey hes dying or od'ed on it. Then i was sucked back into my body and this over baring scaredness that one of my friends was gonna go crazy or die took over and snapped me out of it. All of a sudden i was as sober as a judge....as we started walking out of the arboretum my friend wanted to smoke some weed and forgot that there was dmt in the bowl. Lol hahaha he took another hit, looked at me and slow as all hellll said" ohhhhhhhh nnnnoooooooo" i fell down laughing and he went back into space, puked and rolled in it. I was scared , wasted, and had a near death experiance.....was it worth it? Hell yeah...i went to space, into the diamonds... It was worth it....but if you get to do it do not drive do not be outside. You need to be somewhere safe....if i was driving and thought oh ill smoke it then park and enjoy it.....i would have inhaled, forgot i was driving and killed either someone on the street or everyone in the car....be very careful. Seriously this shit is noooooo joke.....be careful


Well-Known Member
dude DMT is a littural god send, another way to do it is in a drink. I will be doing extractions here soon. Just need the bark


Well-Known Member
In the 60's we called it a business mans trip... like being shot out of a cannon..
You could do it a t lunch and go back to work...


Active Member
From what I hear it is very hard to come by if you can't already get it. One of my friends told me it's fairly easy to get in Savannah GA, but here in the north I've only been able to find it once, excluding my own extractions. Ive written a research paper on this drug- It is fucking fascinating.

erowid.org is a good site to look it up on, they pretty much cover everything


Well-Known Member
Work? Work? After dmt ? Thats awsome. I understand what is meant by that because of how your flying through the crab nebula one minute and back where you started pretty much instantly 15 minutes later but i was buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurnt after that. And it only seems so drastic because everything about it is. You know what im saying. Like the high, trip, whatever you wanna call it is so incredibly insane that when you come down you come down from space. So its soooo intense that it is really a good thing no one can get it. Otherwise amatures would be droppin all over the place. People dont get it when you tell them a match heads worth sends you to the moon. I think sometimes i still see trails. Because of it. Lol oh well NOW IM OLDER AND CANT HANDLE STUFF LIKE THAT.


Active Member
it's a drug..

there are two types- 5-methyl DMT, and nn-DMT
it can be ingested orally or smoked..it only lasts for 5-15 minutes if smoked

comsumers are able to recollect more of the experience if smoked..it's like a dream

5-methyl DMT provides a simillar experience to nn-DMT, but with out extreme visual hallucinations
You've got it a bit mixed up. There's 5-methoxy dimethyltryptamine (5-MeO-DMT, that oxygen is important to the effects) and like you said, N,N dimethyltryptamine. 5-MeO-DMT tends to not be visual at all, and literally makes you feel like your skull has been opened, your sense of thought and reasoning disappears, and you're just being 'downloaded' with all new information. N,N DMT is very visual, but you have to smoke more than the 5-MeO to get to a comparable place.

I much prefer 5-Meo-DMT myself.