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  1. I

    pics from today,will they be ready in time?

    Just check for strain on the plant. You'll need to measure the plant top to bottom and measure three to five branches that you can remember. Write it down. I use a small notepad. This way you can go back and measure again in a week or so. Do this repeatedly to notice a grow "pattern". Once you...
  2. I

    Help - Is this ok? - pics

    Hey man... Plants look nice. If you're using the hps thats good.. but to me it looks like you're trying to over do it. Remember man... we're imitating nature. In the one pic you have the cfl almost resting on the leaves. This is VERY BAD. Pot plants aren't sensitive to too much beside temp, and...
  3. I

    HELP!!!! Plants of unknown strain 6 weeks into flower.

    We ended up giving in and harvesting the smallest plant shown in the top four pictures in the back. We got alot of bud off it!!! It's all purple and fantastic smelling. I'm gonna explain that the smallest plant didn't seem to be dealing with the cold weather as well. It was not growing very fast...
  4. I

    HELP!!!! Plants of unknown strain 6 weeks into flower.

    I think the only reason they are small is because we started them so late. It was mid august when we put them into flower. Our setup is strange. We have the plants in pots like i said, but during the day the pots go outside for natural wind and sun. During the night we put them inside a shed to...
  5. I

    HELP!!!! Plants of unknown strain 6 weeks into flower.

    Hello... I need some help. I got a bunch of seeds from a friend of mine, and basically put them in a paper towel.( I know now that this is bad) But none the less they sprouted. We used fox farm soil and put the sprouts in those trays with six little holes about 1 inch by 2 inch. Once they were...