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  1. P

    Who Needs Help?Ask Here..

    Thats the thing I fed it half strength nutrients sunday. I gave it bc boost and grow, magical,sugar daddy and thrive alive b-1 red. What can I add to cover the nitrogen def.?
  2. P

    Who Needs Help?Ask Here..

    Its my 5th week into vegging. The younger plant in stunted no doubt about it. But the plant that's five weeks the leaves that are the three fanned are starting to turn yellow. Any help? Also both plants are starting to have growth in between the limbs and stem. What does this mean?
  3. P

    Who Needs Help?Ask Here..

    Ok ireally need help. One of my plants leaves are turning purple. The oldest are turning yellow. I think its nute burn. Can somebody plz help me cuz its my first grow and I don't wanna mess up. Plz inbox me with the advice plz
  4. P

    My First Grow (Ata Tundra)

    Help!!! Sum of my leaves are starting to turn yellow. It might be the nutes but it was jus fine. Please help anybody
  5. P

    My First Grow (Ata Tundra)

    Looked at the plants today and the oldest one is striving a bit more since I gave it the nutrients. I gave it half the strength that it was called for a nd its doing great. Next watering will be straight water no nutes for the older p,ant and im not goin to give any to the other til its starts...
  6. P

    Ata Tundra Grow journal

    Evil. Im growing ata also. Im a month in today. I kno this post is old but hopefully u still get. Im using gt ho lights. It kinda seems small for a month old but I wouldn't really kno cuz its my first grow ever. It looks healthy. Lush green color and the fan leaves are jus lookin great. Is...
  7. P

    Ata Tundra Grow journal

    Evil. Im growing ata also. Im a month in today. I kno this post is old but hopefully u still get. Im using gt ho lights. It kinda seems small for a month old but I wouldn't really kno cuz its my first grow ever. It looks healthy. Lush green color and the fan leaves are jus lookin great. Is...
  8. P

    My First Grow (Ata Tundra)

    Yea when I get off work im going str8 to my babies and check the status of them. Im really pulling for the runt because its been almost a week and its still not showing any signs of pulling thru. My ph of my soil this morning was at 6.6,is that good? I don't over water them. The oldest took...
  9. P

    Jus read the article on synthetic mj. If u gon smoke that crap jus go smoke meth seriously. Ur...

    Jus read the article on synthetic mj. If u gon smoke that crap jus go smoke meth seriously. Ur puttin fake weed in ur lungs. FAKE!! GIVE ME SUM WHITE BERRY OR AND GRADE A AND IM GOOD.
  10. P

    My First Grow (Ata Tundra)

    I think because of the one leaf that got knocked off that the older plant is growing a lil slower than usual. It already was growing a lil slow from the look of other pics that i have seen. No worries because u can't rush beauty lol. For this being my first i feel that its goin pretty good. I...
  11. P

    My First Grow (Ata Tundra)

    I used the wet paper towel method. Sum crazy stuff happened last night. I don't kno how this happened but my planted got topped but jus one of the leaves. I think my gurl did it lol. I don't kno what is gonna happen now cuz one of the leaves is growing strong and another set is growing in. The...
  12. P

    My First Grow (Ata Tundra)

    Hi RIU world.this is my first grow and a newbie lol. Im growin ata tundra and i got the seeds from the attitude seedbank. Kinda mad because i got a ten bag of seeds. Only two outta the ten have sprouted and they are doin ok. One sprouted a week later than the other. I've been growiing them all...
  13. P

    My first "official" grow thread with pics, and questions (comments are appreciated)

    Ive ben reading ur whole thread 420. Plants look amazing. I am goin to be starting my first grow in a couple weeks and I jus dont wanna have any room for error. i would really like u to help me thru little op when i start. First thing i need to know is everything i am goin to need. The lights im...