Search results

  1. Greedyfly

    First grow from seed. Issues

    heading to my 3rd grow (all using clones) I finally got a seed to sprout (GSC) and was looking fine. It’s about 5” tall and still in starter cup. Recently the leaves are looking tired, like it’s missing something or having too much of something. It’s in amended soil with perlite mixed in...
  2. Greedyfly

    Massachusetts Outdoor Grow 2019

    781 checking in, planning for my first outdoor grow. Got a real sunny spot to handle a few plants . Can't afford outdoor grow structures so I'll be subject to the elements. Reading all above see a few that grew outside with what i see as varying results. Are there definite gotchas that I can...
  3. Greedyfly

    Girlscout Cookies advice

    Looking at getting some Girlscout Cookie clones but have a little reservation. In the descriptor for the strain the growing difficulty is listed as advanced. What do I need to know to grow this? I grow in soil, in a 32"x32"tent with 600w LED's. Circulating fan and exhaust fan. Have had three...
  4. Greedyfly

    Drying temps

    its winter in New England and it’s a struggle to keep the tent at 70. I’m harvesting today and will be using the same tent for drying. Do I need to keep the temps at 70 for the days of drying or can I reduce it? Thanks as usual for the info Greedy Fly. :)
  5. Greedyfly

    Outdoor product

    My 2nd grow is 2 weeks away from harvest, first grow drew raves, look forward to same strain results grown outside
  6. Greedyfly

    Outdoor product

    Would love to have some sort of greenhouse, unfortunately impractical in current situation. Will have to do my best with the grow in the elements. Not sure how big my strains will grow, will research before committing small height plants outside where they can be well suited for indoor tent...
  7. Greedyfly

    How to keep mother

    Guess I could take clones to nurture some as mothers, just in case, and others to try to learn manifolding. Just want to give the tent a rest over winter.
  8. Greedyfly

    How to keep mother

    All sounds just how I was hoping for. Strains I got from clones or just a single seed are prime for motherhood.
  9. Greedyfly

    How to keep mother

    Thanks, super info, thinking to stop flowering inside nov through feb to cut down on heating costs and odors during the holidays. But want to retain a few strains that I have no seeds for.
  10. Greedyfly

    How to keep mother

    happy new year Planning an outside grow but want to make sure I gave clone succession on hand should the outside grow fails for some reason. I do have a veg area inside and could keep a plant there in permanent veg but is that all I need do to have a mother plant? Still learning, hoping you...
  11. Greedyfly

    Outdoor product

    First grow harvested Halloween, was single plant grown inside tent.Second, 2 clones from first should be ready for harvest 3-4 weeks from what I see. Third grow 3 clones and a Stardawg seed vegging nicely now, should max out tent. Planning on preparing grow via seeds and clones for outside...
  12. Greedyfly

    Outdoor product

    Petert. Good points, thanks.
  13. Greedyfly

    Outdoor product

    Read it to mean not as potent.
  14. Greedyfly

    Outdoor product

    Read that outdoor grown product is mild as compared to indoor grown. Is that true? I know there is much conflicting info available and I just came across that. Just wondering.
  15. Greedyfly

    Plant needs help

    Thanks Shayne. Wish I had seen this before buying two 50 gal bags, I’ll return unopened one and see what they have as an alternative. Live and learn.
  16. Greedyfly

    Plant needs help

    Think I’ll try, already have one plant looking great while in identical soil so planting won’t be a total lost if one plant doesn’t survive.
  17. Greedyfly

    Plant needs help

    Is it dangerous to repot just a flowers are just starting to show ?
  18. Greedyfly

    Send in the clones

    Was the MIr Grow soil, I just up potted into a plain soil, hopefully they take. Domed them like a fresh clone.
  19. Greedyfly

    Plant needs help

    Something's going wrong with my 2nd grow. Have 2 plants in the tent (3x3ft under 600w LED in soil) and one of them has a problem, not all over but on a few branches and just on one of the plants. Don't know how to correct it or if needed keep it from spreading. Hoping someone can help...
  20. Greedyfly

    Send in the clones

    Took a pair of clones off my second grow as it headed for flowering. For some reason the leaves are lightening up in color and I'm concerned. They're under T5's growing alongside a seedling that looks great and are 2 weeks as a clone. If need be I could always take a few more clippings but was...