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  1. D

    Any lawyers? need help

    18 months? what was your charge?
  2. D

    Any lawyers? need help

    the charge is " possession of more than 10 grams but less than 30" I was not dui, had not been drinking. yes he did ask to search the car and i did consent but only because i wasnt aware that anything was in there, besides if i did deny there goes the dogs and i would have been locked up...
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    Any lawyers? need help

    im from illinois, and was caught with 17 grams of weed. a class c misdameanor. the circumstances was that i was driving someone elses car, the weed was in the trunk. i was not aware that there was weed in the car. i was pulled over because i forgot to turn on the tail lights. once pulled over...
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    ATTENTION: ddott773

    thanks hobbes, i thought that serious seed's genetics were uniform and stable, so i figured that there wouldnt be many phenotypes. i guess dont have a pocket microsope so guess i'll give her a week and a half then chop.... thanks again, now let me clean up my pm's
  5. D

    G13 Labs Thai Super Skunk Grow !!!!

    im growing power skunk free seeds .... their in week 11 flowering. under 600 watts. extremely loose/airy buds. took a test bud a week ago and its a clear up high. not powerful at all. i guess daytime smoke. has a spicy smell to it..
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    Pics of my garden: SSD, KM, BG, BL, T, Flo, RD

    NICE, I wish i had that much room to grow. i think the big laughing will be one of my next selections after i finish this white bx, lemon larry, ak 47, and power skunk
  7. D

    hemp depot? joey weed seeds?

    thanks a bunch.. so its not the real c99? is there any other seed banks that have the real deal?
  8. D

    hemp depot? joey weed seeds?

    Just wanted to know if hemp depot was a reliable seed company that ships to the states, seeming that attitude charges a lot more for their tga subcool beans. What does anyone think about Joeys C99? i heard a lot of negative things about his seeds but just want verification. thanks
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    The White BX, Tahoe og/sour d, and power skunk

    oh yeah if anything was difficult to grow, it was the ak. All of them germinated and i placed them into the soil. Out of 10 seeds 3 grew. 1 female 1 male and 1 unknown. I dug up the rest i planted to find out that there were little white bugs that were under the soil eating the tap roots...
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    The White BX, Tahoe og/sour d, and power skunk

    They havent been difficult to grow. the height has issues but thats my fault cuz i vegged them too long, (2 months) and i only got 7 feet of space. EG said that its a huge yielder but the pics that i've seen of it didnt look huge at all. maybe average at most. Right now im hoping to get at...
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    The White BX, Tahoe og/sour d, and power skunk

    i have 4 main plants the white bx are front right, back right, and the middle one.
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    The White BX, Tahoe og/sour d, and power skunk

    so they are three weeks into flowering and damn have they gotten big, too big. Two of my plants are now touching the light. one branch snapped because i tried lst' but not all the way and i think its repairing itself. I kinda expected this but was hoping this wouldnt happen. Whatever the...
  13. D

    Will they knock her up?

    I wanted to pollinated a single branch with some pollen sacs that i took from a male. however i only let the male go 2 1/2 weeks of 12/12 b4 i cut him down fearing that i would pollinate my whole batch of plants. SOOOOO.... I cut off the pollen sacks and let them dry. Now that their dry...
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    The White BX, Tahoe og/sour d, and power skunk

    here they are. Ordered 4 white bx seeds from you know who. also recieved 4 tahoe og x sour d x something unknown from him also. also 3 power skunk plants (g13) with 3 ak 47 serious seeds that are 3 weeks into veg. i plan on throwing them in in a week. of the four white bx's 3 were female...
  15. D

    Two World of Seeds strains anyone grown/smoke?

    if you can avoid, avoid yumbolt 47. pros: ok yield, decent high, fairly easy to grow Cons: looks nowhere near the plant in the pic, potency not as good as i expected for it to be an ak47. definitely not a one hit wonder.
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    outside:bud depot purps vs dna purple wreck

    hey natrone where is the purple at in those buds?
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    Elite is the shit!

    kmann you sho you looking at the right website cause its up there.
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    Have you made a new strain let us know about it

    i mean at least 1 male out of each of the 3 strains
  19. D

    Have you made a new strain let us know about it

    I'll be crossing these in about 3 weeks (that is if i get 1 male out of the 3 strains): The white bx x AK-47 (serious seeds) Ak47 x The white bx Tahoe og kush x sour og kush x the white bx Tahoe og kush x sour og kush x ak47