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  1. koffinkush

    Help a guy who is a noob to plant problems

    no tthey wont heal but i wouldnt go pluckn them off let the plant decide whens its time for that
  2. koffinkush

    is my res too cold?

    clearez 1 drop per rez exchange never had nething but sparkly clean buckets n roots ..wouldnt recommend with organics tho
  3. koffinkush

    First Grow / start to finish / 1200w Tent

    lookin good ever try scrog? potential huge gains on your yeild
  4. koffinkush

    DIY -dirt cheap

    did you switch to a diff color temp for flower?
  5. koffinkush

    Did i Supercrop Correctly

    why does it say at the bottom of the pics?
  6. koffinkush

    The clone wars

    im almost always 100% with my cheap diy aerocloner bucket. Never dip em in anything just a lil clearrez once in a while to keep things clean
  7. koffinkush

    How Do My Clones Look ??? Day 8 Pics Included

    dont give em anything till theyve rooted and the farther the light is away the better until they take off
  8. koffinkush

    Talk to your plants? muaahhhhh
  9. koffinkush

    how to up thc and other characteristics ?

    fish emulsions and hydroslates make up the biggest gains ive experienced between old/new techniques
  10. koffinkush

    What would a plot of land to grow on be worth?

    WEED Keep it criminal. Keep it honest. i concur
  11. koffinkush

    day 46 of flower update-how much longer you think?

    really depends on what kinda buzz ur shootn for imo
  12. koffinkush

    how many plants and is setup ok?

    youl definitely fry em with a 400 ... im thinking more like a 150....if you run 8 plants in that small of a space the light wont penetrate very good and theyl b fightn for air. better off lst two or three plants max . i think i could pull 3 to 4 zips from this if vegged for a month
  13. koffinkush

    Club Vert(600)

    what if i went with say a 10 gallon pot to rule out ne problems...thinking of a way to have more plants but remain in my limit
  14. koffinkush

    Club Vert(600)

    roots organics pots are cheap as shit n work awsome...always wanted to try two plants in one pot but ive heard horror stories
  15. koffinkush

    how many plants and is setup ok?

    i would run two of em n flip when the cab is 1/3 filled up...1/3 for the plant 1/3 for the explosion of growth in flower n a 1/3 for lights vents ect
  16. koffinkush

    Can I grow with just 4ft of height?

    you could do a scrog with a wide shallow dish for a pot first grow ever was in a small attic crawl space in a 6" x 30" x 30" potting bed usin three desk lamps. lil basterd gave me lil over an oz :mrgreen:. Also you might consider a vertical scrog as long as you have enough surface area to...
  17. koffinkush

    wattage question

    that's plenty for a seedling gonna need more to veg
  18. koffinkush

    Best age to top?

    the longer you wait to top the more "medium" sized buds youl end up with...depends on your preference n the strain... if your going for 20 mediumr nugs or 10 monster nugs
  19. koffinkush

    Babies save able?

    over or under watered ...i would scrap it n start again even if it does recover, its growth will prolly stunt for a while.if you start another now {n don't mess up!} it would b twice the plant in a month .whenever i have a prob with seedlings or clones i typically throw em out n start fresh. no...
  20. koffinkush

    Trying to replace 750Watt HPS please help!

    led blows cant believe people still invest in it 2k$ lights that might last a month or 2 years