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  1. Ban Drown

    First Ever Grow(DWC) Lemon Skunk

    UPDATE : 14/10/10 One of the plants is doing significantly better, wonder why ? Also some of the others seem to be deformed (see below) anybody know why this is? Will keep this updated! Ty
  2. Ban Drown

    PPM Guides

    thanks for the tips , :)
  3. Ban Drown

    PPM Guides

    Could anyone possibly help me setup a rough guide to follow for PPM.. I.e. PPM for Veg then PPM for flower ? Thank you very much!
  4. Ban Drown

    PPM AND PH, Please Help

    Indeed, these are my priorities, i have been monitoring and keeping a record very carefully. Thanks agian!
  5. Ban Drown

    StinkBud Aero...NYPD Seedlings In Rockwool...Quick Questions!

    Rockwool is horrible! I use root riot cubes, once the seelding has popped its head out, i allow it to get some nice roots before puting it into hydroton where the roots can then pass down into the solution. Im not sure if rockwool can be placed straight into hydroton without knocking the PH off...
  6. Ban Drown

    PPM AND PH, Please Help

    Hey Legally, Ive got a truncheon, Trident tri meter, paid $110 for it, measures everything and its got a 3 year guarantee! Thanks anyway!
  7. Ban Drown

    PPM AND PH, Please Help

    Thank you very much, sir! :)
  8. Ban Drown

    PPM AND PH, Please Help

    Apparently there is a way to tell how ur plants are doing by tracking the ph and ppm e.g. if the ppm goes down and ph goes up etc.... Id like it if someone could shed some light on this topic as its one i am unfarmiliar with, Thank you fellow pot growers!
  9. Ban Drown

    Questions about First grow using DWC

    Yes it is a neat idea, one of the resons i started DWC. I now gro all my weed, plants and vegetables VIA DWC and can be very awarding! Like one of the other posters said i would recommend buiulding your own, its easy as 1,2,3 Good luck!
  10. Ban Drown

    First Ever Grow(DWC) Lemon Skunk

    Could anybody explain to me what the drop in PPM and PH means and what they mean the other way round etc? Thanks!
  11. Ban Drown

    First Ever Grow(DWC) Lemon Skunk

    Might i add ive thrown myself in at the deepend here, so i may need some expert advice throughout :wall: Firstly, let me start by saying this forum has inspired me to grow and helped me trumendously, thank you. Beans: 5 Lemon Skunk Feminised.(1 in soil 4 in hydro) Grow Area: 3" x 6". Germ...
  12. Ban Drown

    Hydro Set Up And Plants

    i would say deffinately, aside from space, temps are kept cooler in a bigger container so that will help with growth!
  13. Ban Drown

    The Best All-In-One Meter?

    You can go for the cheaper options but i can guarantee you will end up spending what you should have in the first place. This wand has to be calibrated every now and then to ensure its accuracy and to ensure its life span just needs to be washed after use. Its the BEST investment i will and...
  14. Ban Drown

    The Best All-In-One Meter?

    At the moment im using the Trident Wand, measures temp(c or f) , PH, EC, PPM and TDS. Whats your favourite?
  15. Ban Drown

    Questions about First grow using DWC

    My first grow is with a dwc system i built far so good, as long as you read up and know your stuff before you begin, any problems im sure theres loads of people who can help you on here, personally i would grow some bag weed before buying any decent seeds. Your best bet is to make...
  16. Ban Drown

    How high is too high?

  17. Ban Drown

    How high is too high?

    Basically ive set up a DWC system for my plants, they have been in the hydro for 4 days, they seem to be doing very well, but when i feel the water it seems too warm... Ive got a PH, EC AND TEMP meter on the way as i dont have one so dont judge me for not having used one yet The nutes are 1/3...
  18. Ban Drown

    When to move to MH

    lol thanks guys!
  19. Ban Drown

    Tasty Grow: Vanilla Kush, Bubblelicious, Blueberry, and Kaia Kush!!!!

    Dont worry about the discouragement, they look fine for a hobby!! As long as you dont plan on selling that stuff it doesent matter what its like! :P Thanks for the journal, always nice to read something when baked! Hope you get a decent enough yeild and imrpove on it next time! Happy days!
  20. Ban Drown

    When to move to MH

    Thanks guys heres the ladies as they stand now, they will be going straight under the MH! Thank you!