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  1. S

    Wheezers little 12- last minute cheap grow

    So...wait? I'm sitting here typing this, the smell of the plant just drifted in. One more reason to take it. That, plus the fact that we may have just lost our entire crop to mildew. But you da man. You tell me when.
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    The Big 6 (Wheezers Outdoor 2011 Grow)

    Just found out the AO/JH has mildew. Started thread in problem forum. Don't know if other strains are affected yet. Seriously sucks.
  3. S

    Belief Without Evidence WTF?

    Uh, no. Look...I've been on online boards for years, and these convos always go nowhere.There's never any *intelligent discussion*...just a bunch of shrill name-calling and, as I can see after reading a couple threads here, some SERIOUS strawmen/misinterpretation of beliefs/etc. So I'm not sure...
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    I was responsible for a couple back in the day. Just gave the girl $ and headed off to a bar. It wasn't until I got a girl pregnant again, and saw an ultrasound, that the reality hit me. That wasn't some blog of tissue that was sucking her thumb. That was *obviously* a human being. NOT, btw...
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    I'll guess he didn't. He's no "pro", just an old-timer who grew way too much this year and thought he'd see if a dispensary would buy it. Sounds like there's very little (I'll get more info asap), but *any* is obviously no good.
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    Belief Without Evidence WTF?

    I've never seen the wind. I believe it's there though.
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    Wow. What manner of forum has my man Wheezer sucked me into? ;-) Pot-smoking Mormons? Who knew. I live in a big LDS area. Great people. About as *good* as people get. I can't/won't say anything bad about any that I've met.'s not Christianity. Worship/believe what you want (or...
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    This was outdoors in SoCal.
  9. S


    Hey man just took some of his JH x AO to a dispensary and they told him it had mildew and was only good for edibles. He's got a few other strains that we haven't had tested yet, so I'm not sure if we just lost our entire crop or not. Anything we can do?:sad:
  10. S

    Wheezers little 12- last minute cheap grow

    Here's my little Wheezer Somango. Prolly take it tomorrow.
  11. S

    Wheezers little 12- last minute cheap grow

    LOL...yep. That stuff is like Popeye's spinach.
  12. S

    The Big 6 (Wheezers Outdoor 2011 Grow)

    Looking good Wheez. I've had the privilege of smoking quite a few Wheezer grows. Each one smoother than the next. The Rommys are all pretty wild. Jilly Bean may be my favorite...although I've yet to try his BD.A friend just harvested some of his AO x's, along with some Somango x's. Haven't had...
  13. S

    Wheezers little 12- last minute cheap grow

    >>> Yee-ha! I do like me some SSH.
  14. S

    Wheezers little 12- last minute cheap grow

    >>> Shhhh...apparently rollitup doesn't want "drums" around.;-)
  15. S

    Wheezers little 12- last minute cheap grow

    Lookin good brother!