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  1. meluvyoulongtime

    BMO Feeding Schedule Help

    Thank you soo much! Heres the thing, when I feed them this past Tuesday I used the growth fert at full long before I would notice nute burn? They seem to be growing at a very fast pace and quite healthy too. Also, since I already used the BMO at full strength, should I...
  2. meluvyoulongtime

    BMO Feeding Schedule Help

    Thank you for your response.I actually fed the ladies the 2nd week (this past tuesday) and as of today they are doing great!!! 1. how often should I feed them, every 2 weeks or every other watering? 2. is it ok to use BMO products at full strength? btw, these white rhinos are blowing past...
  3. meluvyoulongtime

    BMO Feeding Schedule Help

    hello all, I just received the BMO Grow it Green, Flower Power, SPT and Foliar harmony. On the labels of all of these it states it can be used weekly. Below are a list of questions that I am concerned about and I think would help others out as weel. Hope to get informative responses. 1. Is...
  4. meluvyoulongtime

    Super Plant Tonic...what it is and what it is not...

    ohsogreen, I just recevied my SPT, Foliar Spray, Grow it green and BMO bloom. Do you have to use them seperate or can they be mixed together? for instance, can you mix the foliar spray with the SPT and use as one? or do they have to be used seperatly? Thanks!
  5. meluvyoulongtime

    White rhino feminized

    i have planted 5 white rhinos along with 5 bubblugum seeds. let me say the WR growth rate is wayyyyy faster than the bubblegum. Im excited to see the outcome. I didnt do any germination, just stuck seeds in some Ocen Forest and set under fluro's.
  6. meluvyoulongtime

    First timer who will suceed!! white rhino and bubblegum

    as of today, 9/10/08, the 3 white rhino seeds are growing crazy! They have past all 5 BG, which all have sprouted. I hope I get some females, males will get tossed out!
  7. meluvyoulongtime

    First timer who will suceed!! white rhino and bubblegum

    yep, very first time! keepin my fingers crossed.
  8. meluvyoulongtime

    First timer who will suceed!! white rhino and bubblegum

    Strains: White Rhino and Bubblegum from Lights: 1 400watt HPS, 2 48" Flouros Nutrients: Blue Mountain Organics Objective: gain knowledge and grow killer smoke 9/3/08: 10 seeds were planted; 5 White Rhino and 5 bubblegum. Soil used is FFOF and Chunky perlite. watered and placed out...
  9. meluvyoulongtime

    Could this a pH problem or a calcium defect?

    ok monday was the official week. as of today they have not yet bounced back, but the buds seem to be growing but not the leaves. will wait it out and see what happens. thanks.
  10. meluvyoulongtime

    Could this a pH problem or a calcium defect?

    thank you for the reply, how can i raise the humidity? ill search as well.
  11. meluvyoulongtime

    Could this a pH problem or a calcium defect?

    i purchased some dolemite lime and top dressed both plants with it. then sprayed plain water over it. Nothing has improved at all. Please please please help me out! Temps are at around 85 degrees with lights ion and humidity at around 37%, is the temps too high? I have a pH meter for soil and it...
  12. meluvyoulongtime

    Could this a pH problem or a calcium defect?

    The two plants are Sweet island Slunk and hindu Kush. Tuesday 9/2/08 these were transplanted from an organic miracle gro soil to FF ocean forest w/ guano gro and chunky perlite mix. They were about 4 weeks in to flowering outside, then transplanted and set under a 4000watt HPS light. the temps...
  13. meluvyoulongtime

    Making Tea - is EZ.... & Cheap !

    Can we PM on these forums? haha i have no problem making up my own tea! Now I need to do some more research as to what tea to make and when its best to use it. i saw another of your post where you had said you use a certain tea at a certain time of the plants growth. I dont want to hijack...
  14. meluvyoulongtime

    Guano ... is it enough?

    I believe its unsulphured molasses and you can get it at the grocery store. Thats what ive gotten from another post.
  15. meluvyoulongtime

    Making Tea - is EZ.... & Cheap !

    Ohsogreen, the tea that you make, would this be the same idea as using a liquid plant food(Fox Farm for example)? Basically what I am saying is, you only feed your plants with this all organic tea and no store bought stuff? I am a first time grower and decided organics over hydro. i have...