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  1. Retailing

    Is this a calcium deficiency?

    Medium is soil, ph 6.2 - 6.4, ppm 600
  2. Retailing

    Most pistols brown but buds not fattening on one of my autos

    Yeh I mean there’s still white hairs shooting out of the buds I’d say around 60% are brown and 40% are white, she grew different to the rest, had really really long leaves, I’ve never seen leaves like it but she’s still going strong, and I’ve learned my lesson for now as I’ve had much more...
  3. Retailing

    Most pistols brown but buds not fattening on one of my autos

    Thankyou for the advice I’ll probably post an update In a week
  4. Retailing

    Most pistols brown but buds not fattening on one of my autos

    I did have some pretty bad problems down the line I’m actually lucky to have this one plant alive. Had a really bad ph issue in the 3rd week of veg resulting in bad burns and deficiencies which I managed to fix and I removed the effected leaves. Could this have potentially caused the plant to...
  5. Retailing

    Most pistols brown but buds not fattening on one of my autos

    Hmm will it do for this grow? All the other plants are fine it’s just this one. I’m definitely going to invest in an actual LED or a different light from a trusted brand.
  6. Retailing

    Most pistols brown but buds not fattening on one of my autos

    It was in a grow kit from a hydroponics store near me, honestly it says 600W but I don’t exactly know what Wattage it’s actually pulling, all I know is once I’ve fed them I’m left blinded and seeing everything in a green tint after leaving the tent
  7. Retailing

    Most pistols brown but buds not fattening on one of my autos

    All females, all were feminised seeds ( I know they can still herm) there’s no bananas to be seen so this plant couldn’t have been pollenated
  8. Retailing

    Most pistols brown but buds not fattening on one of my autos

    So is there no chance of her fattening up a bit?
  9. Retailing

    Most pistols brown but buds not fattening on one of my autos

    I just don’t understand why the other 3 plants have fat dense nugs but this one hasn’t. The plant hasnt stopped growing the pistols are just turning brown, my light is around 14 inches away from the plants
  10. Retailing

    Most pistols brown but buds not fattening on one of my autos

    It’s a very small tent, 60 x 60 x 140 and I have 4 small autos in there in 3 gal pots, I haven’t really thought that light would be an issue as it’s literally beaming down on every budsite
  11. Retailing

    Most pistols brown but buds not fattening on one of my autos

    Here’s my banana blaze auto at the end of week 6 of flower Buds don’t seem to be growing anymore. Medium coco Ph 5.8 - 6.0 PPM 550 - 600 its my first grow, my others are 2 weeks behind and are much fatter but have less trichomes RH - 50 - 60% temp 19 - 25C Light - 600W LED
  12. Retailing

    Is white powdery mildew shiny?

    I will do, sorry about the stupid question and thank you for your help
  13. Retailing

    Is white powdery mildew shiny?

    It could potentially be that, I was just curious. I’ve just read that it’s almost like flour (WPM) and what I wiped was nothing like that so I’m going on to guess evaporated water, but still going to keep a close eye on the 4 plants
  14. Retailing

    Is white powdery mildew shiny?

    It’s definitely not thrips, I haven’t had any sort of bug problem yet (I say yet because it’s still possible. Just hope I get lucky!)
  15. Retailing

    Is white powdery mildew shiny?

    Only the 1 small speck on one leaf
  16. Retailing

    Is white powdery mildew shiny?

    It was literally the size of a pimple you could get on your face and it was on only one of my plants. It had a kind of oily look to it but was dry. I wiped it off so can’t get a picture :/
  17. Retailing

    Is white powdery mildew shiny?

    Just a quick question, is white powdery mildew shiny? From one angle it goes clear, then look at it from another and looks almost like light reflects off it? I’ve just wiped it off one of my plants and I’m left wondering what it was
  18. Retailing

    Very light new growth, tried most things and the problem still stands

    So after feeding every day at ph 6.0, they’re starting to bounce back with much more colour to them!
  19. Retailing

    AutoFlower not flowering!

    Mine started flowering at week 8, I’ve heard that some can take 10 weeks+, I just kept mine as they were and they eventually started to flower